Filter table based on taxonomy

I am trying to filter features based on taxonomy. I ran the following command, but got an error as pasted below. (Using qiime2-2021.11)

qiime taxa filter-table
--i-table table.qza
--i-taxonomy merged_taxonomy.qza
--p-exclude "d__Eukaryota;p__ABC;c__EFG;o__XYZ"
--p-mode contains
--o-filtered-table table.qza_NoXYZ.qza

Error msg:

Plugin error from taxa:
Detected metadata ID that begins with a pound sign (#): '#q2:types'
Debug info has been saved to /local/scratch/38835656.1.interactive/qiime2-q2cli-err-8somm8q0.log

Seems to me that the problem may be with the way metadata is formatted. But when I run the following command using the exact same files (table and taxonomy), it works fine: suggesting that the formatting is fine. So, not sure whats wrong.

qiime taxa barplot
--i-table table.qza
--i-taxonomy merged_taxonomy.qza
--m-metadata-file metadata.txt
--o-visualization taxa_barplots.qzv


Saved Visualization to: taxa_barplots.qzv

Does qiime taxa filter-table command uses a metadate file?



taxa filter-table doesn't use metadata. I specifically checked the code from the older version and couldn't find such an error. Please, attach your files, I'll try to reproduce.


Hi Valentyn,
Thank you for your response. I was able to figure out the problem while preparing the sample files to send to you. Thanks again.


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