Error while getting plenty of data from NCBI

Hi again guys,

It sounds parameter --p-n-jobs with digit 5 is unable to work in my case when a lot of data is downloading.

While I wanted to download lots of data with gene name, I got this error (it take around 20 min to get the error):

qiime rescript get-ncbi-data \

--p-query dsrB \
--o-sequences RefsequencesdsrB.qza \

--p-n-jobs 5
--o-taxonomy 11.qza
Plugin error from rescript:

A worker process managed by the executor was unexpectedly terminated. This could be caused by a segmentation fault while calling the function or by an excessive memory usage causing the Operating System to kill the worker.

The exit codes of the workers are {SIGKILL(-9)}

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-3qh5xqo6.log

In the guideline it mentions to digit 5 " If you are downloading lots of data, you should set the --p-n-jobs parameter to a number greater than one. Five works well in most cases." It failed then!

The only way that I catch all data is gene name, because accession number and GI are exclusively unique, then I used gene name in order to get all data. Would it be the point? How the problem could be solved? What do you think?

Thanks a lot.

I used a server (remote machine)to prevent memory-associated limitation. After around two hours, it reported an unknown error.

qiime rescript get-ncbi-data \

--p-query dsrB \
--o-sequences RefsequencesdsrB.qza \

--p-n-jobs 5
--o-taxonomy 11.qza
Plugin error from rescript:

Download did not finish. Reason unknown.

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-we4d1npy.log

I attached this result to complete my report.

Best regards,

It looks like you figured this out as per:

Your next error:

can be problematic to figure out. There are many "out of our hands" reasons that fetching data from NCBI can fail:

I'd suggest trying to add more selective terms to your query, or try to download in batches. This is a great place to start:

Good luck!

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