Error when installed qiime2-2017.12

1.I installed qiime2-2017.12 in the conda environment for Ubuntu 16.04.
2.I followed the official Native install directions.
3.When i do _conda create -n qiime2-2017.12 --file,it comes
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for url
Elapsed: 00:00.546859
CF-RAY: 3dae7ed4ead36c22-SJC

An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
when i click that link above,i see like this

Please let me know what I can do to fix this. Thanks.

I am having the same issue.
I downloaded qiime2-2017.11 natively through terminal and it worked fine, however when I try to update to qiime2017.12 in the same way I get the error message.

As suggested I tried

source deactivate qiime2-2017.11

conda env remove -n qiime2-2017.11

Before installing, then that didn’t work and I also tried

conda clean -y --all

however still no luck downloading qiime2-2017.12

Hi @sumujin1 and @siobhonegan! @thermokarst and @ebolyen fixed the installation issues with 2017.12 today. Can you please remove your existing qiime2-2017.12 environments, and then try installing 2017.12 following the updated install guide?

To remove an existing 2017.12 environment, run:

conda env remove -n qiime2-2017.12

Fantastic, worked for me.


IT works ,thank you.

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