Hi @lizgehret
I have used ancombc and ran into the same issue with 'qiime composition da-barplot' as decribed above.
However, I am using qiime2-2023.2 installed as a miniconda env on Linux (AlmaLinux9).
The message in the da-barplot qzv is:
Couldn't generate plot for LocationLeimbach: must specify file format: ['png', 'svg', 'html', 'json']
Apologies for the delay in response on this, thanks so much for your patience!
Can you re-run this command and include the --verbose flag, and copy/paste your entire command along with the full error traceback in your response? Additionally, are you using the example data to create this visualization, or another dataset? If so, would you be willing to share that differentials file with me? Feel free to DM me if you'd rather not share it publicly on this post.
I used my own data as well as the example data with ancombc, but got the same error in the da-barplot output qzv.
I used these commands with the example data:
Hi @arwqiime,
Thank you for the additional info!
It looks like your Altair(3.1.0) in your env is different than the Altair(4.2.2) in my env.
In your Provenance under python packages:
So I suspect this is the issue. I think the easiest thing to do is to remove your qiime2 install and re-install it. Let me know if that works!
Also, I attached the visualization I made. Be aware there is a bug currently where if you have spaces in your metadata value a %2B is added to the url instead of a + so you will want to replace the %2B with a + so the URL works.