Error: QIIME 2 has no plugin/command named 'moshpit'.

I am running moshpit-dev following tutorial from MOSHPIT tutorials — MOSHPIT tutorials
While running the followingset of commands from the tutorial
mosh moshpit bin-contigs-metabat
--i-contigs ./cache:contigs
--i-alignment-maps ./cache:reads_to_contigs
--p-num-threads 64
--p-seed 100
--o-mags ./cache:mags
--o-contig-map ./cache:contig_map
--o-unbinned-contigs ./cache:unbinned_contigs
Error: QIIME 2 has no plugin/command named 'moshpit'.
My apologies if this has been answered already. I did check the list of packages in (moshpit-dev) environment and do see a package moshpit.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hey @adixit,

Sorry to hear you ran into this issue! We have recently renamed the q2-moshpit plugin to q2-annotate, and I noticed only now that this is not reflected in the documentation... Sorry about that! If you are using the latest moshpit-dev conda environment you should see (and use) the "annotate" plugin instead. I updated the tutorial to fix that so you should be able to see it there too.

Let me know if you have any other questions!
