error installing old version of QIIME 2

#I have already installed newer version.But some packages work in certain version.When I tried to install it,it says error.Please someone help me with this.

source activate qiime2-2019.7
complete:13: command not found: compdef
QIIME is caching your current deployment for improved performance. This may take a few moments and should only happen once per deployment.
zsh: illegal hardware instruction

Hi @Tamizhini_L_21PHD017, We recommend using the most recent version of QIIME 2, which is 2023.2. The version you're referencing is nearly four years old, and it may not be possible to install anymore. If you let us know why you're trying to use such an old version of QIIME 2 we can try to help you figure out an alternative solution.

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Hello sir,
I am trying out an [q2-aldex2] package in qiime2 2022 version.But it says some error,that I can't run this version in latest one.
In the reference they mentioned This plugin is currently under development, and has only been test QIIME 2 version 2019.7.Is there any alternative for this package.Please let me know.

The latest version, in which I got aldex2 working, was 2021.2. Could you try to install this version?

Okay sir.I will try this one.

I got the same error in this version also,sir.(qiime2-2021.2)

Hello sir,
I have installed qiime2 2019.7 version.But I able to install q2-aldex package.But I am not getting any results and prone to error.
QIIME is caching your current deployment for improved performance. This may take a few moments and should only happen once per deployment.
zsh: illegal hardware instruction qiime aldex2 aldex2 --i-table table.qza --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv
(qiime2-2019.7) tamizhini@x86_64-apple-darwin13 data % qiime aldex2 aldex2
--i-table table.qza
--m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv
--m-metadata-column sample-id
--output-dir gut-test

QIIME is caching your current deployment for improved performance. This may take a few moments and should only happen once per deployment.
zsh: illegal hardware instruction qiime aldex2 aldex2 --i-table table.qza --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv

I don't know how to rectify this.When I install newer version qiime2 2023 the q2-aldex is not working.

Exactly which version it would run q2-aldex2


I found this post and looks like this instruction worked for some users.

If it still will not work for you, I would suggest to use another test or install older version of qiime2 that is recommended for aldex2 as virtual machine though virtual box (there are instructions in the q2-docs) and then install aldex2 there.

Hello sir,
I have found the version of installing the aldex2 package.But the some metadata information is incorrect so its not working.But my metadata information is correct.Simply it throws error.I am using the version of qiime2-2019.10.
(qiime2-2019.10) tamizhini@x86_64-apple-darwin13 ~ % qiime aldex2 --help
Usage: qiime aldex2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Description: Analysis Of Differential Abundance Taking Sample Variation
Into Account

Plugin website: GitHub - ggloor/q2-aldex2: qiime2 plugin for aldex2 for differential abundance analysis

Getting user support: Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this

--version Show the version and exit.
--citations Show citations and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

aldex2 Analysis Of Differential Abundance
effect-plot Effect plots
extract-differences Extract differentially expressed features
(qiime2-2019.10) tamizhini@x86_64-apple-darwin13 ~ %

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It would be better to create a new post since your original issue was already resolved. Please describe your new issue in more details and create a new post.

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