Im having a hard time installing ITSxpress the following this tutorial.
When I ran conda install -c bioconda itsxpress
The output is:
Solving environment: done
==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
current version: 4.5.11
latest version: 4.7.5
Please update conda by running
$ conda update -n base conda
# All requested packages already installed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aneth.david/.conda/envs/qiime2-2019.4/bin/qiime", line 7, in <module>
from q2cli.__main__ import qiime
ImportError: No module named 'q2cli'
I have tried to re-install QIIME2 but when I repeat the process I get the same error.
I was also running dada2 denoise paired on another screen while doing the install and uninstall part (probably shouldnt have done this), it ended with an error about a package as well. I unfortunately didn't copy the error before restarting terminal.
No, how do I remove the conda environment before reinstalling?