/software/software/QIIME2/2018.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/init.py:962: UserWarning: Duplicate key in file "/home/p277936/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc", line #17
(fname, cnt))
There was a problem importing manifest.txt:
/local/1498484/q2-SingleLanePerSampleSingleEndFastqDirFmt-_1v7m77v/CH3E_50_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz is not a(n) FastqGzFormat file:
Missing sequence for record beginning on line 5
Manifest file: NOTE: they dont even are named as in the error appears
how fastqfile looks like
Could someone help explain what is happening?
If you requiired mor details please et me know
Thanks in advance!!
Let's break down the error message: in the file for the forwards reads of sample CH3E, the fastq record beginning on line 5 is missing sequence data.
Is there screenshot you provided for sample CH3E? If not, can you send along a screenshot for that sample?
They look right to me - you specified the sample ID is CH3E, and that was is what is reflected in the filename during import (CH3E_50_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz). The first part of the filename is the sample ID. The rest is described here: Importing data — QIIME 2 2018.6.0 documentation
The underscore-separated fields in this file name are the sample identifier, the barcode sequence or a barcode identifier, the lane number, the read number, and the set number.
Basically, everything besides the sample ID and the read direction don't really serve a purpose at this stage (and on) in an analysis.