Has anyone had any luck importing a braken database?
Managed to get kraken2 to work by downloading a one of the tar.gz files, extracting and only keeping the 'k2d' files and running:
qiime tools import \
--type 'Kraken2DB' \
--input-path k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2 \
--output-path k2_pluspf.qza
But trying something similar with --type 'Braken2DB'
doesn't give any helpful errors
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jono/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-shotgun-2023.9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/q2cli/builtin/tools.py", line 267, in import_data
artifact = qiime2.sdk.Artifact.import_data(type, input_path,
File "/home/jono/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-shotgun-2023.9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/result.py", line 302, in import_data
output_dir_fmt = pm.get_directory_format(type_)
File "/home/jono/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-shotgun-2023.9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/plugin_manager.py", line 388, in get_directory_format
raise TypeError(
TypeError: Semantic type Braken2DB is invalid, either because it doesn't have a compatible directory format, or because it's not registered.
An unexpected error has occurred:
Semantic type Braken2DB is invalid, either because it doesn't have a compatible directory format, or because it's not registered.
See above for debug info.
Hi @Micro_Biologist ,
Thanks for trying out q2-moshpit!
This should be BrackenDB, not Braken2DB. Please give that a try and let us know if you still encounter issues!
Thank you! Bracken also has a c in it which I failed to notice despite reading their documentation yesterday when trying to figure out which files I needed 
Here is the full code for any future moshers!
#Download DB from:
wget -c https://genome-idx.s3.amazonaws.com/kraken/k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009.tar.gz
tar -xf k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009.tar.gz
mkdir -p k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2
cp k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009/*.k2d k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2/
conda activate qiime2-shotgun-2023.9
qiime tools import \
--type 'Kraken2DB' \
--input-path k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2 \
--output-path k2_pluspf.qza
cp k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009/*.kmer_distrib k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2/
rm k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2/*.k2d
qiime tools import \
--type 'BrackenDB' \
--input-path k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2 \
--output-path b_pluspf.qza
#tidy up
#rm -R k2_pluspfp_16gb_20231009_q2
Hi @Micro_Biologist would you be interested in writing this up as a mini tutorial? That might make this post more visible to others (I see you just linked it in another topic — thanks!)
Yes no problem! I'm currently assembling about 200 metagenomes so have a bit of free time