Error at the last step during analysis with q2-SCNIC plugin

Dear Sir,

I have filtered OTU table of my analysis using the commands
qiime SCNIC sparcc-filter
--i-table finaltable.qza
--o-table-filtered fake_data-filtered.qza

and then run the subsequent analysis using the commands provided in the q2-SCNIC: A tool for making correlation networks, finding modules of observations and summarizing them

I got fakenet.qza and fake correl. qza and finally when I run the following commands, I got an error

qiime SCNIC make-modules-on-correlations \

--i-correlation-table fake_correls.qza
--i-feature-table fake_data-filtered.qza
--p-min-r .35
--o-collapsed-table fake_data.collapsed.qza
--o-correlation-network fake_net.modules.qza
--o-module-membership fake_membership.qza
Plugin error from SCNIC:

module 'SCNIC.module_analysis' has no attribute 'make_modules'

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-8pws6wjl.log

Could anyone help me?


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