Hello fellow qiime2 users,
I've been trying to figure out differentially abundant microbial population in diabetic patients but facing so many obstacles that I can't figure out alone as a novice metagenomic analyst, so I need your help and I'm attaching all the files I used and errors I got below. For the analysis, I merged my feature and metadata tables, filtered out mitochondrial and chloroplast sequence and now trying to use the final FeatureTable [Frequency] for the qiime composition ancombc to generate a barplot. And somehow I was successful before using the following code:
qiime composition ancombc
--i-table filtered_final_table_old.qza
--m-metadata-file metadata_final.tsv
--p-formula Diabetes_typ
--o-differentials differentials.qza
--verboseqiime composition da-barplot
--i-data differentials.qza
--o-visualization DA_diffbar.qzv
final_filtered_table(old).qza (3.1 MB)
DA_diffbar.qzv (850.4 KB)
differentials.qza (736.5 KB)
metadata_final.tsv (708.0 KB)
However, the barplot that I prepared didn't have taxa name and was too large for any good use. so I was trying to resolve how to get past that. I collapsed my table down to phylum and genus level but the tables were now in FeatureTable [composition] format so they couln't be used in the plugin/code I used before.
merged_table_genus.qza (673.9 KB)
merged_table_phylum.qza (372.5 KB)
However, now that I'm trying to run the same code I ran before (after a while), I'm 'getting errors no matter what file I use, filtered or unfiltered feature tables also with different metadata.
I've also tried using other codes that I saw in the forum, such as:
filtered_combo_table.qza (3.1 MB)
combined_deblur_table.qza (2.9 MB)
qiime ancombc ancombc --i-table filtered_combo_table.qza --m-metadata-file metadata_final.tsv --p-formula "Diabetes_typ" --o-differentials da_test.qza --verbose
And also checked conda list as one post asks, and found something unusual maybe:
With my deadlines approaching I'm a bit lost so I'd be very grateful if someone could help me solve this mess. I searched for a proper step-by-step tutorial for the analysis but couln't find it anywhere on the documentation or forum, so proper documentation or tutorial would also help.
Thanks in Advance.