Docker-Galaxy error when accesing the qiime2 container.

I am using galaxy to run qiime2(see figure below) when I try to use the port 8080.80 i get an error "403 Forbidden". It was working fine yesterday, I was running a dada2 job and all of the summer it gave me the error There is a similar question posted in this forum but it was unresolved. I am attaching a screenshot from docker showing the package I am using and the error I get when I click on the 8080:80 host.
Thank you

Hi @nietof, Could you provide information on which specific Docker container you're using? If you could additionally provide instructions that would let us reproduce the issue, that will let us help you quicker.

Also, have you tried just restarting the container and trying again? I know that's a simplistic suggestion, but I'm just scratching my head over why it would work one day and not the next.

Hi @gregcaporaso
I use this image, I sent a screenshot of my docker.
I just start the package and when it is loaded I click on the port 8080:80 and it opens a browser window with the error. I use chrome. As I mentioned before it was working before, but now I get the error all the time. Yes I have stop the run and then start the container again and I get the same error. I have also restarted docker and tried again with the same outcome. I have also cleared my browser just in case. Same thing.
Thank you

@nietof, what URL does that link point to? I would expect it to be something like: http://localhost:8080. If you try to open that link, does it work?

@nietof, I'll also mention that this container is quite old (2022), and we haven't been able to keep it up-to-date. We are expecting that we might be able to start regularly releasing Galaxy containers with QIIME 2 installed in them, but at the moment we're not able to do that.

You might have better luck using the free public Galaxy server at