This is alot of steps for qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction our default is 10. Doc Reference. This is why it is taking a long time.
I thought the higher the value, the less time it would take (bigger range will be considered between my minimum and maximum depths). I might be wrong. Will re-do.
How long do you mean when you say that its taking so long?
I've been running it for half a day, so I stopped. I just made rarefaction curves from a different package.
Have you run this same data in the older versions you mentioned?
Did you run the same number of steps (--p-steps 2500) on the older versions?
How long was that taking? (you can find this in the provenance)
Not the same data, but I did have much bigger dataset that included 4 alpha metrics (faith's, observed, shannon & pielou's).
This actually the number of times you sample. So our default is 10 meaning we will sample 10 times between max and min depths. Currently you are sampling 2500 times which will take longer.
I mean how long did it take in older versions of QIIME 2 if you ran it at 2500 steps. Did those ever finish?