Developing with QIIME 2 📖

Hi all,
I'm very excited to announce the availability of Developing with QIIME 2 (DWQ2), a new Jupyter Book that you can find at

DWQ2 replaces and expands on the old QIIME 2 Developer Documentation (previously available at The most notable new content is the Plugin Development Tutorial, which provides hands-on instruction for creating a QIIME 2 plugin. This begins with the creation of a plugin from a new cookiecutter template, and then walks through adding functionality in a series of sections. To help get you started, I've also created a 10-minute video that introduces DWQ2, and then walks through building a new QIIME 2 plugin from template.

DWQ2 is still a work in progress, and new content is continuously being added. I'd love any feedback on it (DM on the forum is ideal), and I am open to requests for new content.

Happy plugin developing!


An off-topic reply has been split into a new topic: question on visualizers and distribution of plugins

Please keep replies on-topic in the future.