Demultiplexing error for CASAVA, Paired End format

Hello Dear Leader @thermokarst ,
Firstly apologize for sending a lot of questions. Honestly it is so hard for a newcomer in this field. And I am trying to solve it.
Thank you a lot for the valuable point. I will try to do that. One question!
if i want to import my data with MultiplexedPairedEndBarcodeInSequence type does it required to follow Casava format again, just exchange its type to this?

@thermokarst @kris-budd
by the way, in the command mentioned it is only for forward, while I have barcode sequences in both forward and reverse endings. Shall I have the second run for reverse? Or add the both reverse and forward barcode sequences in a metadata file and run altogether? Does is suffice? or must it be in a separate file to be run? I mean one metadata for barcode sequences are in forward endings and another one for barcode sequences are in reverse endings!

What is your idea?

Thanks a lot