
I have the 16S illumina data and want to analysis with qiime2.
But have some problem in the demux step.
the data type is emp-paired.

the bug information:
Plugin error from demux:

Mismatched sequence ids: M03364:232:000000000-BBHLB:1:1101:14416:1335, M03364:232:000000000-BBHLB:1:1101:13167:1335, and M03364:232:000000000-BBHLB:1:1101:13167:1335

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-rcuf19hy.log

I don’t know how to deal with it?

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This seems similar to this problem described here:

Do you have access to your sequencing facility to ask them about this problem?



Hi ben,

Thank you for your reply.

I checked my data. as you said, total number of forward and reverse sequences are different to barcode sequences.

I will contact to the sequencing facility.

Thank you!