Demultiplex error with paired end sequences

am trying Demultiplexed my Illumina Seqs but I am getting errors like

There was a problem importing ./manifest.tsv: manifest.tsv is not a(n) PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 file: Filepath on line 1 and column "forward-absolute-filepath" could not be found ($PWD\Demultiplexed_Seqs\DRR279232_1.fastq) for sample "DRR279232". I have checked my manifest file several times. the file path is correct

The UNIX variable $PWD will only work if you are executing the import command from a specific location. That is $PWD will determine the directory path you are currently located in, and then append that to the beginning of the path you have listed after $PWD. It's better to simply enter in the absolute file path instead of using $PWD. Also, I noticed that you are using \ instead of / in your file paths.

Thanks for your Suggestions. Its working really well now.

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