Thank you for your response. I am using an older version, but I did use pip to install deicode.
I think my issue is that the default mode of Python I am using is 2.7, but now I am trying to switch to using 3 as a default version. I have had issues in switching this on my computer though. Thank you!
Yes, DEICODE requires python 3.5 or greater. I will add that requirement explicitly in the tutorial / plugin description. Glad it worked out! Feel free to reach out if you have any other issues.
Yes, sorry I understood that but was having issues switching versions.
I have another question! When I create the biplot now, all arrows have the long string of numbers and letters without taxa identification (see below). I am wondering how exactly you merge this so you can see which taxa contribute most highly to PCA differentiation? I followed the steps in the tutorial, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something here. Thank you for your help.
Yes, there is, in the biplot command for emperor there is a feature-metadata input parameter that allows you to pass your taxonomy information. Following the moving pictures tutorial this would be
If you would like to copy the original ID of the arrow, just double click on the arrow in the plot and it will be saved to your clipboard.
One more note about interpreting the arrows. It is important to note that a single arrow is not directly related to the features causing sample clusters. It is the log ratio between two features represented by arrows pointing in different directions.