Deblur with --p-no-hashed-feature-ids not working

The code formatting on your post is a little off (next time put in a backtick fence!), so the following suggestion might be attributed to formatting rather than a real issue, but bear with me. Anyway, that error looks like it is due to missing backslashes at the end of the line (again, this could actually be a red herring due to code formatting). I would double check for the missing backslashes, if not, please re-copy and paste the commands into a backtick fence. Thanks!

We haven't changed the default for that plugin (to the best of my knowledge). The default is to emit hashed feature IDs, check out the docs:

  --p-hashed-feature-ids / --p-no-hashed-feature-ids
                                  If true, hash the feature IDs.  [default:

By default the hashing is enabled. You are specifically opting out of it by specifying --p-no-hashed-feature-ids

See my comments above about missing backslashes --- just a hunch.

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