Dada2 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpdftfsbgd'

Hi there @Brightbeard!

This looks like your host OS might've cleaned up your temp dir before the job had finished processing.

First off, it looks like you aren't trimming or truncating your reads at all --- this can have a huge impact on DADA2 runtime --- it is a function of the quality of the reads, so by trimming low quality positions, you help reduce the burden applied to the algorithm. If you would like us to weight on on some suggestions for those values, please run demux summarize and post the results here.

This can also potentially cause problems with the OS and the tempdir cleanup - it might be worth exploring some other options, like screen or tmux.

You can change the tempdir to a new location that the OS doesn't clean up automatically, see this post for more details:

Let us know how it goes! :qiime2: :t_rex: