CZI-CABANA Workshop discussion thread

exactly the same here

I think everyone expected a link, only after did I see that there was a form at the bottom of the page…

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the bottom page entry did not appear until I refreshed the page for like 10 min, then “server error” returned when I tried to register, then it disappeared again, then showed up after 30 min saying sold out.

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even the form only showed up once in the first 15 min with a server error returned when I tried to register. Then it disappeared for another 15 min until it showed up with “SOLD OUT”.

I feel it’s like trying to get the hotdeals of TV in thanksgiving! ever more challenging!

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Yeah I’m pretty disappointed too :frowning: It was very stressful. I am hoping on the other days I can have a chance to register! It’s a very popular course…I would be fine with the free viewing if we were also given all the materials :frowning:


Hi all, I have shared a status update here:

I ask that everyone who posted above please review the status update - if you still have questions or comments, please follow up here.


I was planning to buy my ticket tomorrow!!! But now, I guess I will follow the youtube streaming. Just wondering if we will be able to ask questions in the youtube environment?

Thank you!

Hi, I requested for subsidy but didn’t get an email with a payment link. Is ther something you can do about that?

Thanks in advance

I was planning to get tickets tomorrow. I’m really disappointed


Thank you so much for the generous deed. I feel great about the option you provided here!


I was on the website from 15 min before the announced time until 25 minutes after that time. BUT I did not see any registration link on the website!!!

It happened to me as well. I did not see the link until 40 minutes.

Hi I also didnt receive any email before yesterday with a separate link. The URL I received was adressed to the main page registration with any discount code

Hi @Natali_Hernandez!

You will be able to ask questions here on the QIIME 2 Forum!

Hi @eeg123!

We sent discount-code URLs to all of the individuals who requested one. I’m sorry if your email got lost in there somehow :frowning:

Hi @Fernanda_Jamel!

I sent you a link with the discount code yesterday (I just double-checked my email) — the URL included the discount code in it (as explained in the email). If you opened the discount URL after the tickets sold out then you wouldn’t see a discount applied, because no more tickets were available.

Sorry for any issues this may have caused. Please see my post above for more details.

I also checked my email and the URL was sent on September 16th. In the first email that I received (August 12nd) it was informed that the ticket discount would be sent no later than September 15th. I’m very disappointed with that… I hope in the future these issues won’t happen again

Hi @Fernanda_Jamel, we shared a status update on September 15th to let people know that we were postponing everything by one day (this included the email with the discount code). I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but please keep in mind, you are still invited to participate! We still have scholarships available through the CABANA program (for participants from Latin America), as well as a free livestream option. Please see my post above for more details. As well, there are more online workshops listed right now at, and, we are planning more for 2021. Thanks! :qiime2:

Will you provide lecture material, including slides and tutorial material for youtube streamers who are unable to purchase ticket due to this issue?


Hi @thermokarst,

Understand that tickets have been sold out, and you will launch a free livestream. Two questions come out for people failed to register.

  1. Where will you post the live youtube link?

  2. For those staying in the Asian region and failed to register, previously we can register and watch pre-recorded lectures. Attending the full live workshop is too difficult as the workshop starts at night for us. Any solutions for this? Actually I don’t mind to purchase the video course.

Best regards,

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