We are excited to share more details about the upcoming CZI-CABANA QIIME 2 workshop! We are providing three different attendance options:
- Option 1: General admission tickets will be available starting September 15th
- Option 2: CABANA application submissions will be available starting September 15th, the application deadline is September 27th.
- Option 3: Free viewing will be available for any interested attendee - no need to apply, just show up day-of (details to follow)!
If you previously reached out to us about a “purchasing power” discount, please watch out for an email from us with your discount code, you will use that to apply for Option 1 (General Admission). We will not be able to accept any more purchasing power requests after general admission sales begin.
Additional details about each option are discussed below:
Option 1: General Admission
We have received significant pre-sale inquiries - in order to provide a fair and balanced opportunity to attend, a tickets will be made available in batches, on predetermined and staggered schedule:
- Wednesday, 9/16: 12:00 pm, UTC -8 (2020-09-16T20:00:00Z)
Thursday, 9/17: 12:00 pm, UTC -4 (2020-09-17T16:00:00Z)Friday, 9/18: 12:00 pm, UTC (2020-09-18T12:00:00Z)Saturday, 9/19: 12:00 pm, UTC +3 (2020-09-19T09:00:00Z)Sunday, 9/20: 12:00 pm, UTC +6 (2020-09-20T06:00:00Z)Monday, 9/21: 12:00 pm, UTC +9 (2020-09-21T03:00:00Z)Tuesday, 9/22: 12:00 pm, UTC +12 (2020-09-22T00:00:00Z)
If tickets sell out of a batch, more tickets will become available at the next batch start time. As well, we are offering a “free viewing” option (more details below), in case you aren't able to purchase tickets in any of the batches listed above.
General admission registration will be available here at the times listed above:
Update: General admission has sold out, please see CZI-CABANA Microbiome Bioinformatics with QIIME 2 Workshop (our first-ever online QIIME 2 workshop!) - #96 by thermokarst for more details.
Option 2: CABANA
We are really excited to announce that we are teaming up with the great folks with the CABANA program to provide discounted options for attendees based in Latin America. Applications will be accepted from September 15th through September 27th. For more information, please visit https://www.ebi.ac.uk/training/events/2020/czi-cabana-joint-workshop-microbiome-bioinformatics-qiime-2.
Option 3: Free Viewing
The workshop will be simulcast live to YouTube! We will provide additional details the week before the workshop begins, so check back here in a few weeks. In the meantime, please install QIIME 2 so that you can follow along on your own (free viewing attendees will not have access to the shared workshop server used for the interactive tutorial commands we will run as a group).
Pre-recorded material will only be available to General Admission and CABANA attendees (and will only be available for a limited time during the week of the workshop). We hope to offer a fully standalone ad hoc online course soon (hopefully some time in 2021 - we will announce more details as we develop the course).
As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!
We are so excited to see you soon!