Confused about the choosen Metadata as metadata.tsv

I'm confused about metadata.tsv , how many files of metadata.tsv exist, because not all metadata are accepted and also is there one metadata file or merged of files of metadata that perform all the jobs. is possible to do LONGITUDINAL VOLATILY over the time (I sampled in one day all my samples)
there is another problem is about the interpretations MODEL of curves plots.

Hi @azithro13,

Can you please provide more information on your specific study, and what analysis you are hoping to perform on your data?

To clarify, you have a group of samples with one time point associated with all of them? And you are hoping to perform a longitudinal study?

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thanks for, allow to me to explain more:
My project is about Microbial diversity in extremes environments ( high concentration salt lake >25%)and production of metabolites of biotechnological interest,
I performed my analysis in south korea by DHL sending sample of the number 6 sampled in one day, then I received the results QIIME .Zip inside I found many qza, qzv, biom , and fasta files:
and I done many jobs running Qiime2 in Galaxy Galaxy Docker Builds, but I can't jugde the qualities of my work , I want run many jobs if possible as like longitudinal volatility because I'v encoutred many difficulties in Metadata tsv as metadata , I don't know also the depth , I don't know th e R formula , but I had some Jobs that runned OK in Docker and at the last but not final I don't know how to interpret my results is there any universal Model of interpretation that could help me,
thank you for your patience.

Hi @azithro13,

There is no universal model of interpretation - the interpretation of your data and any analysis that you perform (both inside and outside of the QIIME 2 Ecosystem) entirely depends on your specific study.

Filenames and extensions are essentially meaningless - while all of the files you listed do certainly look like QIIME 2 artifacts, I would recommend reaching out to whoever sent you the zip file and asking them exactly what the contents contain, and how they were obtained (i.e. what commands they ran, etc).

As a general starting point, I'd recommend going through our Moving Pictures Tutorial - this will give you a good foundation for common analysis pipelines and what you may want to do with your data.

Hope this helps! Cheers :lizard:


Hi lizgehret,
First thank you,
If I'm not wrong I will use the smple-metadata.tsv that came from Qiime2 tutorial : Download URL: AS METADATA.TSV in my downstream WORKFLOW!! please enlighten me! ( my project isn't about gut neither have time as column...but is about microbial diversity in salt lake)
Then what I also received is 1602 OTUs with abundances in each site ( I have 6 sites :6 samples sampled in one day it took me 6 hours sampling it from 4 miles square of salt river and mountain) with qzv of alpha rarefaction............
About the interpretation models is there possiblity in the future we'll find it from the group?
Also I'm intersted in the last image of qiime2 2023.2 how I could update it in my galaxy galaxy docker build or it auto-updated?

Hi @azithro13,

The metadata from the QIIME 2 Moving Pictures tutorial is specifically for the associated data in that tutorial. Your metadata file should contain information on your specific dataset. I would recommend reaching out to your colleague who provided you with all of these files and request a metadata file for your data specifically.

Regarding the longitudinal volatility plot you shared with me via direct message - this plot is difficult to interpret because your dataset is not a longitudinal study that took place over a certain number of days/months, etc. Based on what you've shared with me, all of your samples were taken on the same day - meaning you don't have any metrics to measure changes over time.

Please refer to our installation guide for utilizing the latest version of QIIME 2 via Docker:

Cheers :lizard:

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Thank you [lizgehret] you for the answer,
I Have an additional details that remain unclear for me is about how to add the path and the localhost 8080 after pulling qiime2 2023.2, I'm thinking to do the sam as exist on youtube
Docker create .......patati patata.....then
docker inspect........ patati find the path !! if I'm not wrong.
if I tweet out of tune please guide me.

Hi @azithro13,

It looks like you have a separate forum post open regarding this question - please wait for the moderator who is working with you on that post to follow up with more information. We want to make sure we keep each post relevant to the original question so that it's easier for referencing and knowledge sharing down the line. Thanks!