conda update not possible

I am trying to update the conda using the comand below
conda update conda
but the following message appears

conda update conda

PackageNotInstalledError: Package is not installed in prefix.
prefix: /home/andrefc/miniconda3/envs/Qiime2
package name: conda

Could you please guide me how to solve this issue?



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Thanks. I succeeded to run some analysis in another computer using this protocol.
Another problem regarding the instalation.
I am trying to install in my laptop Ubuntu 18.04 and after installing the miniconda many messages appears like this
“Finding shortest conflict path for libcurl ==7.64.0…27%…18/37 [01”
Although it looks like that the computer is running, the instalation never finishes. I took 24h and similar situation is occurring. Could you please assist me with this instalation problem?
Thanks in advance.

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This is the screen that appears during the install!


Hello Andre,

I'm 100% sure what's causing this problem. It looks sort of like this... but I'm not sure.

It sounds like you may have already solved this problem, but here's what I think will work.

If you run conda info -e you can see all your conda environments. While your qiime-2019.7 environment might not have conda to update, your base environment will have a version of conda to update. So this should work:
conda update -n base -c defaults conda


Dear Colin,

Thanks for your replying. In fact I am having some issues (qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \


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Hello Andre,

Happy to help.

I've been seeing that error on the forums, but have got this error myself. It looks like the recommended method is to fully uninstall qiime 2, clean up conda, then install the newest version of qiime.

Don't go back to qiime 2018.11! It's old! Try using the new version of qiime :qiime2: :gift:



Dear Colin,

Thanks for the advising. I had to install the ubuntu 18.04 and the qiiime2 2019.7. Now it is working fine. Do the OS influence on qiime performance too?




Dear Andre,

I’m glad this is working for you!

I’m not sure if it was the new OS or new Qiime that fixed it. New software like Qiime is usually developed and tested on newer operating systems, so fully updating all the things is often a good place to start.

Let me know if you have any other issues.


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