I'm running qiime sample-classifier classify-samples
with --p-n-jobs
set to 30. Initially during the job run, the CPU load is 30 as expected. However, the CPU load jumps to ~200 later in the run. For part of classify-samples
, are subprocesses calling more subprocess or something? I'm just wondering why the CPU load jumps so high.
Server OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
$ qiime info
System versions
Python version: 3.5.4
QIIME 2 release: 2017.10
QIIME 2 version: 2017.10.0
q2cli version: 2017.10.0
Installed plugins
alignment 2017.10.0
composition 2017.10.0
dada2 2017.10.0
deblur 2017.10.0
demux 2017.10.0
diversity 2017.10.0
emperor 2017.10.0
feature-classifier 2017.10.0
feature-table 2017.10.0
gneiss 2017.10.0
longitudinal 2017.10.0
metadata 2017.10.0
phylogeny 2017.10.0
quality-control 2017.10.0
quality-filter 2017.10.0
sample-classifier 2017.10.0
taxa 2017.10.0
types 2017.10.0
vsearch 2017.10.0