Classify-samples `--p-n-jobs`: high cpu load

I'm running qiime sample-classifier classify-samples with --p-n-jobs set to 30. Initially during the job run, the CPU load is 30 as expected. However, the CPU load jumps to ~200 later in the run. For part of classify-samples, are subprocesses calling more subprocess or something? I'm just wondering why the CPU load jumps so high.

Server OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3

$ qiime info
System versions
Python version: 3.5.4
QIIME 2 release: 2017.10
QIIME 2 version: 2017.10.0
q2cli version: 2017.10.0

Installed plugins
alignment 2017.10.0
composition 2017.10.0
dada2 2017.10.0
deblur 2017.10.0
demux 2017.10.0
diversity 2017.10.0
emperor 2017.10.0
feature-classifier 2017.10.0
feature-table 2017.10.0
gneiss 2017.10.0
longitudinal 2017.10.0
metadata 2017.10.0
phylogeny 2017.10.0
quality-control 2017.10.0
quality-filter 2017.10.0
sample-classifier 2017.10.0
taxa 2017.10.0
types 2017.10.0
vsearch 2017.10.0
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Thanks for reporting, @nick-youngblut!

It sounds like maybe a hidden subprocess is being called somewhere — I am not 100% certain but have put in a ticket to get this checked out.

Could you also please share the command that you are using?

Thanks for looking into it! Here's the general command that caused the large CPU load:

qiime sample-classifier classify-samples \
  --i-table {feature_table} \
  --m-metadata-file {metadata} \
  --m-metadata-category {category} \
  --p-optimize-feature-selection \
  --p-parameter-tuning \
  --p-estimator RandomForestClassifier \
  --p-cv 5 \
  --p-n-estimators 500 \
  --p-n-jobs 30 \
  --o-visualization {output}
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