I've tried a few different things, including switching the type.
However, I'm getting the following error:
"An unexpected error has occurred:
cannot cache function 'rdist': no locator available for file '/home/user/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-amplicon-2024.5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/umap/layouts.py'
See above for debug info."
My QIIME 2 is installed through 'conda' and is version 2024.5. Running through MobaXTerm on a hpc.
It could be some simple scripting mistake, but as someone new to the software I've tried a few different approaches from different tutorials and this error seems to be the consistent issue for me.
Hi, I installed Qiime2 myself on a server, and the scripts are being ran through that.
I however realised there are pre-installed software on the server too (Qiime2-version 2023.7) but it comes up with the same error regardless. It may be an issue with my code so I'll keep trying different methods to see if something solves it.
Did you install qiime2 using a docker container or is it a native installation? This issue has arrived in the past when people have run out of disk space, whether in a docker container or on a shared compute resource, such as a university cluster. Could it be a disk space problem?
Not sure how relevant this is, but as I mentioned earlier I sometimes get a 'Segmentation Fault'. If the Segmentation fault is occurring due to RAM issues (I should have enough, maybe the allocation is different than I'd expect) then could that be associated with the error?
Thanks for the response, it's on a university cluster though the set of directories I'm using should allow for over 500gb of storage (these total files are somewhere around 70gb). I have a separate install on my personal laptop (using WSL) which I can try as well.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's not ran through a docker. I have to load in the modules myself which are pre-installed on the cluster but tutorials for the module command make no mention of dockers.
qiime tools import
--type EMPPairedEndSequences
--input-path raw
--output-path raw.qza
This script should in theory import the modules then process the raw data to .qza files. I noticed that when I try run the script remotely, I end up getting a Segmentation fault that I need to restart the session to fix.
I've tried running the code through an alternative method (using a manifest.txt) and it seems to have worked.
I ran it directly as commands rather than in a script and on a different directory. It's probably irrelevant in terms of storage as the new directory has far less space than the previous one (60gb versus 500gb).
Here's the steps that worked for me in case its of any relevance:
I think since I've circumvented the issue it shouldn't be a priority, but it'd be nice to understand the reasoning behind the error if possible. However as it's more for my personal understanding, I'm completely fine if you want to close the issue! It might just be on my end rather than Qiime-specific.
We've requested an updated version of Qiime2 today!