Can I delete previously pulled qiime2 core in docker?

Dear all, I have checked my docker images just now and found that the previously pulled qiime2 core are still stored:

REPOSITORY                           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
lzc-qiime2/2019.1-with-q2-picrust2   latest              30c5ed634766        8 minutes ago       6.8GB
qiime2/core                          2019.1              ea4a2e269d1e        2 months ago        6.47GB
qiime2/core                          2018.11             3980460694d5        5 months ago        6.94GB
qiime2/core                          2018.8              a1717e0e9bd7        7 months ago        6.31GB
qiime2/core                          2018.6              8247fdd98e70        9 months ago        6.67GB
qiime2/core                          2018.4              52a36389a990        11 months ago       6.86GB
qiime2/core                          2018.2              047c13662d61        14 months ago       6.66GB
biobakery/lefse                      latest              df9c609f99ac        19 months ago       2.19GB

Can I delete the previous images to save space, will it affect my current qiime2 core?
And if I can, may I know how?:joy::joy:

Hi @Lennon_Lee,

This digital ocean tutorial is really nice (like most of theirs are):

You should be able to use the docker rmi subcommand.

Docker is pretty good about retaining intermediate images when they are shared (which are not usually even presented to you) so you won't affect containers which you aren't specifically removing.


Thank you so much for the help!!!

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