I'm trying to run the following workflow:
qiime assembly assemble-spades --i-seqs reads.qza --o-contigs spades_contigs.qza
qiime moshpit classify-kraken2 --i-kraken2-db kraken_db.qza \
--i-seqs spades_contigs.qza --o-reports \
kraken_reports --o-hits kraken_hits
qiime moshpit estimate-bracken --i-kraken-reports kraken_report.qza \
--i-bracken-db bracken_db.qza \
--o-taxonomy bracken_taxonomy \
--o-table bracken_ft \
--o-reports bracken_reports
I'm using qiime-metagenome-2024.10.
The problem I'm running into is that the type I get out of spades is SampleData[Contigs]
, which classify-kraken uses. However, bracken is then unable to take SampleData[Kraken2Report % Properties('contigs')]
as input, only SampleData[Kraken2Report % Properties('reads')]
. When I look at the Kraken2 report.txt I cannot see any differences between the reports generated from reads vs. those generated from contigs. I was also able to re-import the contig_report.txt as SampleData[Kraken2Report % Properties('reads')]
Is this expected behavior? Should I be able to use contigs with bracken?
Here is the error message I'm getting:
Invalid value for '--i-kraken-reports': Expected an artifact of at
least type SampleData[Kraken2Report % Properties('reads')]. An artifact of
type SampleData[Kraken2Report % Properties('contigs')] was provided.