Barplot sample order after collapsing

I grouped my samples according to the combine column. I wanted also control group to be first on x-axis so I added "." in the begining e.g. ".control.."
And obtained this barplot:

It seems like samples are randomly situated. Why?
Before grouping the samples were in the alphabetical order - barplot below

Here are the commands I used:
qiime feature-table group --i-table ../meta_table_merged.qza --p-axis sample --m-meta
data-file metadane.txt --m-metadata-column combine --p-mode mean-ceiling --o-grouped-table combine-meta_table.qza
qiime taxa barplot --i-table combine-meta_table.qza --i-taxonomy ../taxonomy_silva_trained.qza --m-metadata-file metadane.txt --o-visualization taxa-bar-plots_combine.qzv


Hello @elina2410,

What are samples sorted by in your top image? (This is done in the upper-right "sort samples by" drop down).

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Hi @colinvwood ,
Thank you for your hint. Indeed it was just different sorting in both charts. I forgot to change this option because I had already the names I wanted.. Sorry for the trouble.

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