AWS qiime2 2018.8 image


We have recently setup AWS and tried to install qiime2 2018.8. Following the instructions in the qiime2 documentation I changed my AWS region to Ohio and proceeded to try to find the corresponding AMI (ami-04d99b45e6d99e48e) which is 2018.8. I could not find any qiime2 AMIs in the Ohio region. In the N. Virginia region I found only qiime version 1 AMIs. I also have a free-tier AWS account which I also used to try to find qiime2 AMIs currently available in the Ohio region and found none.

I am uncertain why I am not finding any qiime2 AMIs in the Ohio region either by name (qiime2) or by AMI (ami-04d99b45e6d99e48e).

Thank you.

Hey there @microbiomeAnalyst!

Ah, because they only exist in "US West (Oregon)" - sorry! Check out the docs for a reference to that.

If you want or need to deploy in Ohio, simply deploy a bare EC2 instance there with some kind of linux install on it, then follow the Native Install instructions for linux.

:qiime2: :t_rex:

Thank you for pointing me to the correct AWS region ! Yes, qiime2 2018.8 is available in that region.

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