Dear all,
I performed ANCOM-BC in qiime2 (v. 2024.10) and received a plot (at the bottom I posted all commands) which is not very readable (find attached). bar-plot_dataloaflvl5_usa.qzv (331.0 KB)
I’d like to have all the names readable (maybe smaller font or just move bars a bit to the right?) and also display only those taxa that lfc values are higher than 1.5 and lower than -1.5.
Does anyone think that's possible?
thank you for response!
I'd prefer to do it the first way, however there's been a problem:
qiime composition ancombc
--i-table table-collapsedlvl5.qza
--m-metadata-file metadata_merged3.txt
--p-formula Population
--p-reference-levels Population::USA
--p-significance-threshold 0.05
--p-effect-size-threshold 1.5
--o-differentials dataloaflvl5_15.qza
(1/2?) No such option: --p-significance-threshold
(2/2?) No such option: --p-effect-size-threshold
I know that: --p-alpha 0.05 works fine, but I can't find a way to adjust LFC displaying threshold.