Alpha-rarefaction not finishing with Qiime 2021.11 sometimes

Probably the same issue as 'qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction' consume too much cpus and run weird slow. Should I just downgrade to an older Qiime release for rarefaction? Or might that cause issues with version 2021.11 of denoise, core-metrics, and gneiss?

Qiime2 installations are not dependent on each other and you can have multiple installations on your machine at the same time. You can install an older version of qiime2 in parallel and perform alpha-rarefaction. Since it is only a visualizer, and output of this plugin is not used directly in further analysis, it should not affect your workflow. So you can proceed further in a newer version of qiime2.
Another option will be to filter your dataset to remove rare ASVs, it should reduce memory requirements.

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