Hello QIIME2 moderators,
I wanted to use Aldex2 for differential abundance testing. Many years ago I had reviewed the excellent tutorial by @jbisanz "Integrating QIIME2 for R and Data Visualization"
However, the link to q2-aldex leads to a 404-Not Found error.
I'm using QIIME version 2024.10. I assume if I wanted to use ALDEX I will also need to dowload QIIME2 version 2019.7. However, when I went to the QIIME2 documentation I could not find information on Aldex2 in the tutorials or plug-in documents. I also searched under version 2019.7.
Can someone let me know which version contains the documentation information for Aldex2 on QIIME? What are your thoughts on Aldex2 vs ANCOM-BC @jwdebelius for differential abundance analyses?
Thank you!