I am trying to convert the files into . qza, but got the following error messages.
qiime tools import --input-path qc-mock-expected.txt --output-path qc-mock-expected.qza --type DistanceMatrix
There was a problem importing qc-mock-expected.txt:
Sorry that the content in the .txt files might be a bit confusing. In the file of expected mock community, there are all eight species and the values are out of 100. In the file of observed mock community, I only listed three species, there are counts in OTU table.
Just realised that the import file type was not right. I tried
qiime tools import
--input-path qc-mock-observed.txt
--output-path qc-mock-observed.qza
--type FeatureTable
But got another error message.
TypeError: 0 cannot be used as a field to FeatureTable[{content}] (not a type). An unexpected error has occurred: 0 cannot be used as a field to FeatureTable[{content}] (not a type).
Hi @Jia,
You have the wrong type again. You want FeatureTable[RelativeFrequency], but ONLY after you have converted to biom-table format. See the final section of this tutorial for a very similar example:
Thanks for the reply. It works and I can get the .biom files and .qza files. However, when I run the qiime quality-control evaluate-composition, I always got the following error message.
qiime quality-control evaluate-composition \
> --i-expected-features qc-mock-expected.qza \
> --i-observed-features qc-mock-observed.qza \
> --o-visualization qc-mock-comparison.qzv
Plugin error from quality-control:
"None of [Index(['observed'], dtype='object')] are in the [index]"
Debug info has been saved to /var/folders/v9/gy5c6y6j3b9cz3f2ccj5lj0m0000gn/T/qiime2-q2cli-err-6z0scyt1.log
I tried to do the below two commands, I can get results. I guess the names of taxa have to be exactly the same in two files (qc-mock-expected.qza and qc-mock-observed.qza).
qiime quality-control evaluate-composition
--i-expected-features qc-mock-expected.qza
--i-observed-features qc-mock-expected.qza
--o-visualization qc-mock-comparison.qzv
It seems that I can get the differences of taxa in 7 taxonomic levels. However, I have very limited import information for qc-mock-expected.qza. So, I am wondering whether it will work for this case.
I have modified the expected mock community and the observed mock community files to match the OTU_ID, here attached the two files qc-mock-expected.qza (6.8 KB) qc-mock-observed.qza (6.8 KB).
Yes, you need to have the same sample IDs, or use use a metadata file and column to indicate how the same names map between observed and expected files.