A Plugin error from fragment-insertion

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to use fragment-insertion plugin, added in qiime2-2020.8.

I’m using this command below:

qiime fragment-insertion sepp
–i-representative-sequences fengan_rep-seqs_nonchim_nonsingle.qza
–i-reference-database sepp-refs-silva-128.qza
–o-tree fengan_vsearch_tree.qza
–o-placements fengan_tree_vsearch_placements.qza
–p-threads 20

And I had the following error message:

Removing /tmp/tmp.lkjxAzPpNx/sepp-tmp-DYq0fRAB9W
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/q2cli/commands.py”, line 329, in call
results = action(**arguments)
File “”, line 2, in sepp
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/action.py”, line 245, in bound_callable
output_types, provenance)
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/action.py”, line 390, in callable_executor
output_views = self._callable(**view_args)
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/q2_fragment_insertion/_insertion.py”, line 77, in sepp
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/q2_fragment_insertion/_insertion.py”, line 53, in _run
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, cwd=cwd)
File “/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py”, line 438, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘run-sepp.sh’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-ayarpv2x/e0aab591-85e2-41e7-aa95-89532e3f9c81/data/dna-sequences.fasta’, ‘q2-fragment-insertion’, ‘-x’, ‘20’, ‘-A’, ‘1000’, ‘-P’, ‘5000’, ‘-a’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/aligned-dna-sequences.fasta’, ‘-t’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/tree.nwk’, ‘-r’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/raxml-info.txt’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

Plugin error from fragment-insertion:

Command ‘[‘run-sepp.sh’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-ayarpv2x/e0aab591-85e2-41e7-aa95-89532e3f9c81/data/dna-sequences.fasta’, ‘q2-fragment-insertion’, ‘-x’, ‘20’, ‘-A’, ‘1000’, ‘-P’, ‘5000’, ‘-a’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/aligned-dna-sequences.fasta’, ‘-t’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/tree.nwk’, ‘-r’, ‘/tmp/qiime2-archive-s1chf_8f/e44b5e78-31e5-4a0f-9041-494bc3ca2df2/data/raxml-info.txt’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

See above for debug info.

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Hi @fellora,

Could you please try re-running the command with the --p-debug flag? Fragment insertion is one of those weird commands where the debug flag gives more information. Just be careful when you use it that you delete your temporary directories!



Hi Justine,

Thanks for answering so fast. My new line is the following:

qiime fragment-insertion sepp
--i-representative-sequences fengan_rep-seqs_nonchim_nonsingle.qza
--i-reference-database sepp-refs-silva-128.qza
--o-tree fengan_vsearch_tree.qza
--o-placements fengan_tree_vsearch_placements.qza
--p-threads 20

The error message is:

[22:40:20] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_36 has 3110 nodes
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.07848095542317575, centroid
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1477 nodes, tree 2 has 1633 nodes
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010319182073081377, centroid
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 643 nodes, tree 2 has 834 nodes
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013038838674966979, centroid
[22:40:20] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 730 nodes, tree 2 has 903 nodes
[22:40:20] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_36 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:20] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_36 has 3110 taxa:
[22:40:20] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_37 has 2802 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04031440584104352, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1536 nodes, tree 2 has 1266 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009914825752049137, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 778 nodes, tree 2 has 758 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03193550873564903, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 580 nodes, tree 2 has 686 nodes
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_37 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_37 has 2802 taxa:
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_38 has 3058 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004400834860136056, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1861 nodes, tree 2 has 1197 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007327420189715309, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 988 nodes, tree 2 has 873 nodes
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.055215656065309426, centroid
[22:40:21] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 606 nodes, tree 2 has 591 nodes
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_38 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_38 has 3058 taxa:
[22:40:21] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_39 has 3830 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009420731961235634, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2007 nodes, tree 2 has 1823 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0668053192209955, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 940 nodes, tree 2 has 1067 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015361855326489685, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 493 nodes, tree 2 has 574 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.021637725192518265, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 868 nodes, tree 2 has 955 nodes
[22:40:22] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_39 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:22] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_39 has 3830 taxa:
[22:40:22] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_40 has 4846 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.016257141431127768, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2991 nodes, tree 2 has 1855 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017205612532590293, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1295 nodes, tree 2 has 1696 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00499702647963224, centroid
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 715 nodes, tree 2 has 580 nodes
[22:40:22] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.033890156185025284, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 757 nodes, tree 2 has 939 nodes
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.031682149647214976, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 982 nodes, tree 2 has 873 nodes
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_40 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_40 has 4846 taxa:
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_41 has 3501 nodes
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04073984134191769, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2100 nodes, tree 2 has 1401 nodes
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04242190695730888, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 874 nodes, tree 2 has 1226 nodes
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.021018668695741607, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 672 nodes, tree 2 has 554 nodes
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03684585672853287, centroid
[22:40:23] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 675 nodes, tree 2 has 726 nodes
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_41 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_41 has 3501 taxa:
[22:40:23] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_42 has 4616 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.020762230037035895, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2068 nodes, tree 2 has 2548 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02779303715055292, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1035 nodes, tree 2 has 1033 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013611238576998707, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 545 nodes, tree 2 has 490 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.021184133678730337, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 458 nodes, tree 2 has 575 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0652625264746586, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1181 nodes, tree 2 has 1367 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04844979246162401, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 590 nodes, tree 2 has 591 nodes
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03505942641099676, centroid
[22:40:25] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 598 nodes, tree 2 has 769 nodes
[22:40:25] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_42 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:40:26] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_42 has 4616 taxa:
[22:40:26] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_43 has 4554 nodes
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02791056597058909, centroid
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2215 nodes, tree 2 has 2339 nodes
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02253831509587211, centroid
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1044 nodes, tree 2 has 1171 nodes
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.024937660826492365, centroid
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 369 nodes, tree 2 has 675 nodes
[22:40:26] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04084687966703788, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 642 nodes, tree 2 has 529 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.11148439549107542, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1095 nodes, tree 2 has 1244 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04154262287223063, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 565 nodes, tree 2 has 530 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.11785456373801231, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 619 nodes, tree 2 has 625 nodes
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_43 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_43 has 4554 taxa:
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_44 has 2912 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1458 nodes, tree 2 has 1454 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 796 nodes, tree 2 has 662 nodes
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.020475282178600847, centroid
[22:40:27] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 858 nodes, tree 2 has 596 nodes
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_44 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_44 has 2912 taxa:
[22:40:27] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_45 has 3157 nodes
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04766106740509168, centroid
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1384 nodes, tree 2 has 1773 nodes
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005460598900924372, centroid
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 808 nodes, tree 2 has 576 nodes
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04289253280152883, centroid
[22:40:28] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 990 nodes, tree 2 has 783 nodes
[22:40:28] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_45 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:28] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_45 has 3157 taxa:
[22:40:28] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_46 has 3063 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0044136056894681, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1463 nodes, tree 2 has 1600 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0019929114547123546, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 739 nodes, tree 2 has 724 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005715624312087345, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 806 nodes, tree 2 has 794 nodes
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_46 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_46 has 3063 taxa:
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_47 has 2373 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00869213438438507, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1067 nodes, tree 2 has 1306 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010914943481335843, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 530 nodes, tree 2 has 537 nodes
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02478427292312941, centroid
[22:40:29] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 686 nodes, tree 2 has 620 nodes
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_47 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_47 has 2373 taxa:
[22:40:29] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_48 has 3478 nodes
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.002932434249030797, centroid
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1741 nodes, tree 2 has 1737 nodes
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.025575760493680558, centroid
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 865 nodes, tree 2 has 876 nodes
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011576757561183456, centroid
[22:40:30] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 887 nodes, tree 2 has 850 nodes
[22:40:30] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_48 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:30] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_48 has 3478 taxa:
[22:40:30] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_49 has 3359 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.037181753871128015, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1779 nodes, tree 2 has 1580 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.025437109230907196, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 891 nodes, tree 2 has 888 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008039671038993544, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 633 nodes, tree 2 has 947 nodes
[22:40:31] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_49 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:31] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_49 has 3359 taxa:
[22:40:31] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_50 has 2802 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02129268654242073, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1504 nodes, tree 2 has 1298 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.018653204379470933, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 869 nodes, tree 2 has 635 nodes
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011193053818138768, centroid
[22:40:31] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 691 nodes, tree 2 has 607 nodes
[22:40:31] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_50 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:31] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_50 has 2802 taxa:
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_51 has 3135 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.003826106032412289, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1567 nodes, tree 2 has 1568 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007741836763742729, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 804 nodes, tree 2 has 763 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0059537530868631495, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 881 nodes, tree 2 has 687 nodes
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_51 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_51 has 3135 taxa:
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_52 has 2272 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01687169705175815, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1148 nodes, tree 2 has 1124 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03615125124822443, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 497 nodes, tree 2 has 651 nodes
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0791992824494468, centroid
[22:40:32] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 465 nodes, tree 2 has 659 nodes
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_52 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_52 has 2272 taxa:
[22:40:32] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_53 has 3109 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015039747960761839, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1247 nodes, tree 2 has 1862 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030821207672734108, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 588 nodes, tree 2 has 659 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00319565211593312, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1028 nodes, tree 2 has 834 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0072759831496453115, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 460 nodes, tree 2 has 568 nodes
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_53 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_53 has 3109 taxa:
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_54 has 3100 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017496742370634994, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1680 nodes, tree 2 has 1420 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01963236697995799, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 917 nodes, tree 2 has 763 nodes
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03211130447620237, centroid
[22:40:33] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 597 nodes, tree 2 has 823 nodes
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_54 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_54 has 3100 taxa:
[22:40:33] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_55 has 3598 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.024283185497328094, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2078 nodes, tree 2 has 1520 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00866758497809344, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1215 nodes, tree 2 has 863 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05235940876837282, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 578 nodes, tree 2 has 637 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.027894923953159508, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 730 nodes, tree 2 has 790 nodes
[22:40:34] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_55 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:34] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_55 has 3598 taxa:
[22:40:34] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_56 has 3379 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009007443127214399, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1679 nodes, tree 2 has 1700 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01463012991544517, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 911 nodes, tree 2 has 768 nodes
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.039117413211505817, centroid
[22:40:34] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 835 nodes, tree 2 has 865 nodes
[22:40:34] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_56 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:34] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_56 has 3379 taxa:
[22:40:35] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_57 has 3712 nodes
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012619272808009918, centroid
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1817 nodes, tree 2 has 1895 nodes
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.019436231018366525, centroid
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1012 nodes, tree 2 has 805 nodes
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011011148916108073, centroid
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 456 nodes, tree 2 has 556 nodes
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01568288982451804, centroid
[22:40:35] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 946 nodes, tree 2 has 949 nodes
[22:40:35] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_57 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:35] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_57 has 3712 taxa:
[22:40:35] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_58 has 4297 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0214823495290198, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2408 nodes, tree 2 has 1889 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017891113594124302, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 941 nodes, tree 2 has 1467 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02735329973704349, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 716 nodes, tree 2 has 751 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.06829074258314527, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1011 nodes, tree 2 has 878 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008864976873369405, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 519 nodes, tree 2 has 492 nodes
[22:40:36] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_58 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:40:36] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_58 has 4297 taxa:
[22:40:36] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_59 has 3677 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0037669827785869556, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1333 nodes, tree 2 has 2344 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01763646849432366, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 562 nodes, tree 2 has 771 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030739721683983152, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1097 nodes, tree 2 has 1247 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00914633008557451, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 510 nodes, tree 2 has 587 nodes
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.037961861973026305, centroid
[22:40:36] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 725 nodes, tree 2 has 522 nodes
[22:40:36] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_59 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:40:36] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_59 has 3677 taxa:
[22:40:37] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_60 has 3576 nodes
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.1067948792765827, centroid
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1653 nodes, tree 2 has 1923 nodes
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.002870216107935732, centroid
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 756 nodes, tree 2 has 897 nodes
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.024164361110915484, centroid
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 865 nodes, tree 2 has 1058 nodes
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030977215138670328, centroid
[22:40:37] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 467 nodes, tree 2 has 591 nodes
[22:40:37] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_60 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:37] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_60 has 3576 taxa:
[22:40:37] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_61 has 2749 nodes
[22:40:48] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012729371614949742, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1341 nodes, tree 2 has 1408 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015023926092059978, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 741 nodes, tree 2 has 600 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008562281597297359, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 779 nodes, tree 2 has 629 nodes
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_61 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_61 has 2749 taxa:
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_62 has 3179 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.028385135744269353, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1986 nodes, tree 2 has 1193 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02572931425835774, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 964 nodes, tree 2 has 1022 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02534437825379951, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 577 nodes, tree 2 has 445 nodes
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01846398360549299, centroid
[22:40:49] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 596 nodes, tree 2 has 597 nodes
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_62 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_62 has 3179 taxa:
[22:40:49] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_63 has 3242 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010563377398747362, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1587 nodes, tree 2 has 1655 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011746545295381463, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 819 nodes, tree 2 has 768 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.019781310169257077, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 826 nodes, tree 2 has 829 nodes
[22:40:50] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_63 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:50] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_63 has 3242 taxa:
[22:40:50] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_64 has 4347 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.022635988618648524, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2222 nodes, tree 2 has 2125 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011444872321049952, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1164 nodes, tree 2 has 1058 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 527 nodes, tree 2 has 637 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005513390674411798, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 442 nodes, tree 2 has 616 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004670354350943519, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1097 nodes, tree 2 has 1028 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009156675476640334, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 511 nodes, tree 2 has 586 nodes
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004028627909468308, centroid
[22:40:50] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 549 nodes, tree 2 has 479 nodes
[22:40:50] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_64 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:40:50] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_64 has 4347 taxa:
[22:40:51] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_65 has 4578 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010898349658414354, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2260 nodes, tree 2 has 2318 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011357117399247111, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1047 nodes, tree 2 has 1213 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011770082853912671, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 366 nodes, tree 2 has 681 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030718963948718914, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 617 nodes, tree 2 has 596 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05229289183526571, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1121 nodes, tree 2 has 1197 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.050759324591471276, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 548 nodes, tree 2 has 573 nodes
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.024642454732592724, centroid
[22:40:51] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 530 nodes, tree 2 has 667 nodes
[22:40:51] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_65 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:40:51] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_65 has 4578 taxa:
[22:40:51] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_66 has 4153 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01388950273193654, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2592 nodes, tree 2 has 1561 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0517458471425331, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1274 nodes, tree 2 has 1318 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011935979826494487, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 577 nodes, tree 2 has 697 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 606 nodes, tree 2 has 712 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.028615739480991463, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 908 nodes, tree 2 has 653 nodes
[22:40:52] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_66 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:40:52] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_66 has 4153 taxa:
[22:40:52] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_67 has 3110 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.027145033555458626, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1643 nodes, tree 2 has 1467 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.023166346510318892, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 806 nodes, tree 2 has 837 nodes
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01474967889390989, centroid
[22:40:52] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 740 nodes, tree 2 has 727 nodes
[22:40:52] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_67 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:52] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_67 has 3110 taxa:
[22:40:53] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_68 has 3868 nodes
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.023529730852664785, centroid
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2139 nodes, tree 2 has 1729 nodes
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.031195175418138918, centroid
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 767 nodes, tree 2 has 1372 nodes
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04950471495253694, centroid
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 677 nodes, tree 2 has 695 nodes
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03117918178268411, centroid
[22:40:53] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 856 nodes, tree 2 has 873 nodes
[22:40:53] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_68 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:53] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_68 has 3868 taxa:
[22:40:53] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_69 has 3644 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012422042151569902, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1747 nodes, tree 2 has 1897 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04065061306732726, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 858 nodes, tree 2 has 889 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01100876508072317, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 904 nodes, tree 2 has 993 nodes
[22:40:54] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_69 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:54] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_69 has 3644 taxa:
[22:40:54] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_70 has 4651 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.07725787168764509, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1941 nodes, tree 2 has 2710 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017218196022239583, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1157 nodes, tree 2 has 784 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.016584933852785207, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 596 nodes, tree 2 has 561 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.031373367589455164, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1113 nodes, tree 2 has 1597 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010092307807885689, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 476 nodes, tree 2 has 637 nodes
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0724056384233941, centroid
[22:40:54] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 971 nodes, tree 2 has 626 nodes
[22:40:54] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_70 has 7 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[22:40:55] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_70 has 4651 taxa:
[22:40:55] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_71 has 2607 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.08659466782024212, centroid
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1308 nodes, tree 2 has 1299 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05834604192985067, centroid
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 740 nodes, tree 2 has 568 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.07476035062842695, centroid
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 536 nodes, tree 2 has 763 nodes
[22:40:55] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_71 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:55] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_71 has 2607 taxa:
[22:40:55] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_72 has 4093 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.08837326076948457, centroid
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2074 nodes, tree 2 has 2019 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013205568907912748, centroid
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 829 nodes, tree 2 has 1245 nodes
[22:40:55] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0042133315585658245, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 614 nodes, tree 2 has 631 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04106064671277575, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1006 nodes, tree 2 has 1013 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.028351089477789908, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 518 nodes, tree 2 has 488 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.033271748313416935, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 466 nodes, tree 2 has 547 nodes
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_72 has 7 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_72 has 4093 taxa:
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_73 has 3359 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0591561714346142, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1530 nodes, tree 2 has 1829 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013981574439879855, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 707 nodes, tree 2 has 823 nodes
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017397096717149278, centroid
[22:40:56] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 905 nodes, tree 2 has 924 nodes
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_73 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_73 has 3359 taxa:
[22:40:56] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_74 has 3134 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011425765555917866, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1525 nodes, tree 2 has 1609 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01627719803857219, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 756 nodes, tree 2 has 769 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03656194182177818, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 806 nodes, tree 2 has 803 nodes
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_74 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_74 has 3134 taxa:
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_75 has 3317 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.006035214163749117, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1699 nodes, tree 2 has 1618 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01035285396314641, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1036 nodes, tree 2 has 663 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02732171446585167, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 479 nodes, tree 2 has 557 nodes
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011933165430126838, centroid
[22:40:57] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 661 nodes, tree 2 has 957 nodes
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_75 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_75 has 3317 taxa:
[22:40:57] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_76 has 3594 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007023010110969387, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1510 nodes, tree 2 has 2084 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 775 nodes, tree 2 has 735 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007702178787286165, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1257 nodes, tree 2 has 827 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017926370189451982, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 758 nodes, tree 2 has 499 nodes
[22:40:58] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_76 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:40:58] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_76 has 3594 taxa:
[22:40:58] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_77 has 3944 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011849808592931301, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1969 nodes, tree 2 has 1975 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00275244052895686, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1250 nodes, tree 2 has 719 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00964807038274689, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 644 nodes, tree 2 has 606 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00503108945899399, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 966 nodes, tree 2 has 1009 nodes
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02463870495188432, centroid
[22:40:58] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 541 nodes, tree 2 has 468 nodes
[22:40:58] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_77 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:40:58] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_77 has 3944 taxa:
[22:40:59] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_78 has 3685 nodes
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.031107360351879193, centroid
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1919 nodes, tree 2 has 1766 nodes
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008072394580788858, centroid
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 944 nodes, tree 2 has 975 nodes
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009515859751382895, centroid
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 813 nodes, tree 2 has 953 nodes
[22:40:59] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_78 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:40:59] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_78 has 3685 taxa:
[22:40:59] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_79 has 3062 nodes
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1393 nodes, tree 2 has 1669 nodes
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:40:59] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 696 nodes, tree 2 has 697 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01703457808314835, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 774 nodes, tree 2 has 895 nodes
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_79 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_79 has 3062 taxa:
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_80 has 4513 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05004201855913138, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2444 nodes, tree 2 has 2069 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005390627311013828, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1134 nodes, tree 2 has 1310 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 569 nodes, tree 2 has 565 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01798396416817325, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 654 nodes, tree 2 has 656 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01466042728825742, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 838 nodes, tree 2 has 1231 nodes
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0013967218250847812, centroid
[22:41:00] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 568 nodes, tree 2 has 663 nodes
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_80 has 7 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_80 has 4513 taxa:
[22:41:00] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_81 has 2296 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.016770741363497665, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1157 nodes, tree 2 has 1139 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0202286597442109, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 534 nodes, tree 2 has 623 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013176702421781364, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 518 nodes, tree 2 has 621 nodes
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_81 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_81 has 2296 taxa:
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_82 has 4008 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04255091122910052, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2085 nodes, tree 2 has 1923 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04960327381580591, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 837 nodes, tree 2 has 1248 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.027237606260395925, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 663 nodes, tree 2 has 585 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05005689144237313, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 678 nodes, tree 2 has 1245 nodes
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.062157720036700614, centroid
[22:41:01] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 625 nodes, tree 2 has 620 nodes
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_82 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_82 has 4008 taxa:
[22:41:01] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_83 has 2626 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04484009844349049, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1277 nodes, tree 2 has 1349 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007487464779792828, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 595 nodes, tree 2 has 682 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0029806114227858495, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 682 nodes, tree 2 has 667 nodes
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_83 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_83 has 2626 taxa:
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_84 has 2565 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030715418067589404, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1288 nodes, tree 2 has 1277 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.014465255662624674, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 609 nodes, tree 2 has 679 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.045537984434378814, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 650 nodes, tree 2 has 627 nodes
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_84 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_84 has 2565 taxa:
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_85 has 2083 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012319965296880451, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1085 nodes, tree 2 has 998 nodes
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0029108479552119454, centroid
[22:41:02] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 490 nodes, tree 2 has 595 nodes
[22:41:02] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_85 has 3 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2]
[22:41:03] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_85 has 2083 taxa:
[22:41:03] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_86 has 3527 nodes
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.014546741268436317, centroid
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1839 nodes, tree 2 has 1688 nodes
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00819133544809891, centroid
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 923 nodes, tree 2 has 916 nodes
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03202746287303046, centroid
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 898 nodes, tree 2 has 790 nodes
[22:41:03] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_86 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:03] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_86 has 3527 taxa:
[22:41:03] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_87 has 3367 nodes
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0198381257899418, centroid
[22:41:03] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1548 nodes, tree 2 has 1819 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0052258281297328495, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 765 nodes, tree 2 has 783 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.023467098645542667, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 722 nodes, tree 2 has 1097 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011505237088963127, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 548 nodes, tree 2 has 549 nodes
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_87 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_87 has 3367 taxa:
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_88 has 2649 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0268091028421976, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1324 nodes, tree 2 has 1325 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012876109171373062, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 717 nodes, tree 2 has 607 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015047749989784809, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 542 nodes, tree 2 has 783 nodes
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_88 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_88 has 2649 taxa:
[22:41:04] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_89 has 3501 nodes
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.044445784681532964, centroid
[22:41:04] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2013 nodes, tree 2 has 1488 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004219098811725624, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1151 nodes, tree 2 has 862 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030499818494470872, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 701 nodes, tree 2 has 450 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.016987718950842157, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 749 nodes, tree 2 has 739 nodes
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_89 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_89 has 3501 taxa:
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_90 has 3225 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013252198097368561, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1693 nodes, tree 2 has 1532 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03506234761863653, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 754 nodes, tree 2 has 939 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02344700768647114, centroid
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 777 nodes, tree 2 has 755 nodes
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_90 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_90 has 3225 taxa:
[22:41:05] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_91 has 3227 nodes
[22:41:05] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0035303394913846113, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1748 nodes, tree 2 has 1479 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0031234597098074943, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 851 nodes, tree 2 has 897 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.019068488095875736, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 726 nodes, tree 2 has 753 nodes
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_91 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_91 has 3227 taxa:
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_92 has 3630 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.022757073226054244, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1668 nodes, tree 2 has 1962 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009600236815442488, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 850 nodes, tree 2 has 818 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00648779328986414, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1035 nodes, tree 2 has 927 nodes
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.018804342761161778, centroid
[22:41:06] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 529 nodes, tree 2 has 506 nodes
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_92 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_92 has 3630 taxa:
[22:41:06] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_93 has 3622 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004382598671054806, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1850 nodes, tree 2 has 1772 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004013633131798813, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 766 nodes, tree 2 has 1084 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.003557062438362424, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 517 nodes, tree 2 has 567 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005451413429525782, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 818 nodes, tree 2 has 954 nodes
[22:41:07] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_93 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:07] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_93 has 3622 taxa:
[22:41:07] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_94 has 3556 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.010558517146870443, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1737 nodes, tree 2 has 1819 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02418688575214609, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 999 nodes, tree 2 has 738 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013836037984205822, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 815 nodes, tree 2 has 1004 nodes
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.019369625802550444, centroid
[22:41:07] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 447 nodes, tree 2 has 557 nodes
[22:41:07] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_94 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:07] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_94 has 3556 taxa:
[22:41:08] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_95 has 3017 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.006210869743247864, centroid
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1709 nodes, tree 2 has 1308 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0020802928191621718, centroid
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 886 nodes, tree 2 has 823 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0058593035170143686, centroid
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 728 nodes, tree 2 has 580 nodes
[22:41:08] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_95 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:08] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_95 has 3017 taxa:
[22:41:08] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_96 has 3725 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017435290878580645, centroid
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1638 nodes, tree 2 has 2087 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009599672601250886, centroid
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 817 nodes, tree 2 has 821 nodes
[22:41:08] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.06508130520312053, centroid
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1147 nodes, tree 2 has 940 nodes
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.05136309847668594, centroid
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 673 nodes, tree 2 has 474 nodes
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_96 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_96 has 3725 taxa:
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_97 has 2941 nodes
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005181129461732932, centroid
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1562 nodes, tree 2 has 1379 nodes
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007299774927319876, centroid
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 740 nodes, tree 2 has 822 nodes
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011987179682676236, centroid
[22:41:09] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 491 nodes, tree 2 has 888 nodes
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_97 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_97 has 2941 taxa:
[22:41:09] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_98 has 4755 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.07256719372864588, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2434 nodes, tree 2 has 2321 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03331891046519861, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1063 nodes, tree 2 has 1371 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.025335011097393077, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 592 nodes, tree 2 has 471 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02234348547076513, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 639 nodes, tree 2 has 732 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0053998137864413745, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1153 nodes, tree 2 has 1168 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0083844147223492, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 496 nodes, tree 2 has 657 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012816882152781948, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 619 nodes, tree 2 has 549 nodes
[22:41:10] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_98 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:41:10] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_98 has 4755 taxa:
[22:41:10] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_99 has 4423 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005721784279493319, centroid
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2298 nodes, tree 2 has 2125 nodes
[22:41:10] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0018980915262425402, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1111 nodes, tree 2 has 1187 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0013990889852678805, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 456 nodes, tree 2 has 655 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0015505635857618264, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 619 nodes, tree 2 has 568 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.002052053887274314, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1066 nodes, tree 2 has 1059 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.06716685262104463, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 443 nodes, tree 2 has 623 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004413696754543736, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 597 nodes, tree 2 has 462 nodes
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_99 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_99 has 4423 taxa:
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_100 has 4011 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00739322345317698, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2041 nodes, tree 2 has 1970 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03536867077847154, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 764 nodes, tree 2 has 1277 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.016765166911666015, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 620 nodes, tree 2 has 657 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.032194659953325426, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1229 nodes, tree 2 has 741 nodes
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.019824070212613797, centroid
[22:41:11] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 526 nodes, tree 2 has 703 nodes
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_100 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_100 has 4011 taxa:
[22:41:11] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_101 has 4059 nodes
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009745082216099448, centroid
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1833 nodes, tree 2 has 2226 nodes
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011867927720502918, centroid
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 947 nodes, tree 2 has 886 nodes
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013824788122749388, centroid
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1136 nodes, tree 2 has 1090 nodes
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 1.00000050002909e-06, centroid
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 533 nodes, tree 2 has 603 nodes
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011241694837926027, centroid
[22:41:12] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 600 nodes, tree 2 has 490 nodes
[22:41:12] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_101 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:41:12] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_101 has 4059 taxa:
[22:41:12] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_102 has 4843 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009453812106611904, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2036 nodes, tree 2 has 2807 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.07876977140501903, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1054 nodes, tree 2 has 982 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.013245788422603362, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 636 nodes, tree 2 has 418 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02023871425970055, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1449 nodes, tree 2 has 1358 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01986563307819786, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 660 nodes, tree 2 has 789 nodes
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04731568803366128, centroid
[22:41:13] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 743 nodes, tree 2 has 615 nodes
[22:41:13] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_102 has 7 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[22:41:13] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_102 has 4843 taxa:
[22:41:13] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_103 has 4736 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0318658302194271, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2379 nodes, tree 2 has 2357 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0609413294769994, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1395 nodes, tree 2 has 984 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.03703197561766591, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 714 nodes, tree 2 has 681 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.040674990938372034, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 871 nodes, tree 2 has 1486 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.025395094247555088, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 692 nodes, tree 2 has 794 nodes
[22:41:14] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_103 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:41:14] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_103 has 4736 taxa:
[22:41:14] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_104 has 4437 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02492642883665639, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2237 nodes, tree 2 has 2200 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008519008634932613, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1196 nodes, tree 2 has 1041 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005158936533051639, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 580 nodes, tree 2 has 616 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.09656006171214733, centroid
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 545 nodes, tree 2 has 496 nodes
[22:41:14] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.038386643697432214, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1161 nodes, tree 2 has 1039 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.00483902446179865, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 462 nodes, tree 2 has 699 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.026712101188378364, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 499 nodes, tree 2 has 540 nodes
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_104 has 8 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_104 has 4437 taxa:
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_105 has 3414 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.005928373215922907, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1776 nodes, tree 2 has 1638 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0065490036979317075, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 718 nodes, tree 2 has 1058 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.006469023853272729, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 574 nodes, tree 2 has 484 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015448704751746213, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1062 nodes, tree 2 has 576 nodes
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.030223862384086843, centroid
[22:41:15] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 530 nodes, tree 2 has 532 nodes
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_105 has 6 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_105 has 3414 taxa:
[22:41:15] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_106 has 3193 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.011554053521402817, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1744 nodes, tree 2 has 1449 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0033751555961656367, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 870 nodes, tree 2 has 874 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.029451324098943684, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 701 nodes, tree 2 has 748 nodes
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_106 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_106 has 3193 taxa:
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_107 has 3128 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.04506530677800054, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1555 nodes, tree 2 has 1573 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0392198592710487, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 805 nodes, tree 2 has 750 nodes
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.11683183429011831, centroid
[22:41:16] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 939 nodes, tree 2 has 634 nodes
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_107 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_107 has 3128 taxa:
[22:41:16] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_108 has 2801 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.014844133674430783, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1307 nodes, tree 2 has 1494 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02315528375419829, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 732 nodes, tree 2 has 575 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.01527068481882862, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 737 nodes, tree 2 has 757 nodes
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_108 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_108 has 2801 taxa:
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_109 has 2676 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.046090245211831866, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1322 nodes, tree 2 has 1354 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.009790141385506984, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 531 nodes, tree 2 has 791 nodes
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.015694985299131603, centroid
[22:41:17] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 665 nodes, tree 2 has 689 nodes
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_109 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_109 has 2676 taxa:
[22:41:17] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_110 has 4066 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012646755180917886, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 2202 nodes, tree 2 has 1864 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.004518629741396295, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1175 nodes, tree 2 has 1027 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.014078650031223388, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 557 nodes, tree 2 has 618 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.022066501558013926, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 435 nodes, tree 2 has 592 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.002748720017718309, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1013 nodes, tree 2 has 851 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.017867547595433207, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 374 nodes, tree 2 has 639 nodes
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_110 has 7 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_110 has 4066 taxa:
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_111 has 2957 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007888591776777861, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1608 nodes, tree 2 has 1349 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.020328719508496178, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1001 nodes, tree 2 has 607 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.008499824789009425, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 516 nodes, tree 2 has 485 nodes
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.006468744130617613, centroid
[22:41:18] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 569 nodes, tree 2 has 780 nodes
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_111 has 5 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_111 has 2957 taxa:
[22:41:18] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_112 has 3010 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0025583197689202433, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1400 nodes, tree 2 has 1610 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.012665530023798903, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 719 nodes, tree 2 has 681 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.007970223567750864, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 774 nodes, tree 2 has 836 nodes
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_112 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_112 has 3010 taxa:
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 363):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_113 has 3616 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.0730555130641442, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 1824 nodes, tree 2 has 1792 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.02733827011897313, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 835 nodes, tree 2 has 989 nodes
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 341):    DEBUG: breaking_edge length = 0.13307821079585105, centroid
[22:41:19] tree.py (line 347):    DEBUG: Tree 1 has 833 nodes, tree 2 has 959 nodes
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 384):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_113 has 4 alignment subsets: [0, 1, 2, 3]
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 388):    DEBUG: Placement subset P_113 has 3616 taxa:
[22:41:19] exhaustive.py (line 398):     INFO: Breaking into 570 alignment subsets.
[22:41:19] algorithm.py (line 278):    DEBUG: start reading fragment files and breaking to at least 4 chunks but at most 20000 sequences 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/bin/run_sepp.py", line 26, in <module>
  File "/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sepp/algorithm.py", line 156, in run
    self.root_problem = self.build_subproblems()
  File "/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sepp/exhaustive.py", line 401, in build_subproblems
    fragment_chunk_files = self.create_fragment_files()
  File "/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sepp/exhaustive.py", line 421, in create_fragment_files
    return self.read_and_divide_fragments(frag_chunk_count)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/qiime2-2020.8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sepp/algorithm.py", line 293, in read_and_divide_fragments
    (len(ids_overlap), "'\n  '".join(ids_overlap)))
ValueError: Your input fragment file contains 127 sequences, whose names overlap with names in your reference. Please rename your input fragments and re-start. Duplicate names are:
1 Like

Hi @fellora,

It looks like you have duplicate sequences from the database that you’re trying to insert. Are these open reference OTUs? If not, how did you generate your representative sequences?



Hi @jwdebelius,

Yes, These are Open Reference OTUs. My line of command for this was the next:

qiime vsearch cluster-features-open-reference
–i-table fengan_vsearch_table.qza
–i-sequences fengan_vsearch_rep-seqs.qza
–i-reference-sequences silva-138-99-seqs.qza
–p-perc-identity 0.99
–p-threads 20
–o-clustered-table fengan_vsearch_table-or-99.qza
–o-clustered-sequences fengan_vsearch_rep-seqs-or-99.qza
–o-new-reference-sequences fengan_vsearch_new-ref-seqs-or-99.qza

I did all this pipeline before and don’t have any problem. It is weird that this time there are problem with this plugin (qiime fragment-insertion sepp)

This is really interesting to me, and its not an error Ive seen before. Did you use 138 before?


1 Like

Yes, I did. It was weird because I did before and it worked. So I think the reason could be this data. But, it was sequenced by an enterprise (Genewiz, USA). They work fine. So maybe I have to write them to ask for something odd with this data.

Before you do that, would you be willing to share the repseq artifacts from a run thta worked and the new run so we could maybe trouble shoot more?


1 Like

Yes, I can share, but both were with different raw data and I have only qzv files:

First, data that worked: sample_rep-seqs_nonchim_nonsingle.qzv - Google Drive

Second, data that didn’t work:

Hi @fellora,

Thanks! I’m not seeing anything obviously different in the pipeline. I’m wondering if some of your OTU centroids from 128 overlap with the 138 IDs here which is why you’re seeing a failure here but not previously.


1 Like

Hi @jwdebelius

I don’t understand 128 and 138 numbers in the files: sepp-refs-silva-128.qza and silva-138-99-515-806-nb-classifier.qza. But I could solve my problem building a de novo phylogenetic tree.

Hi @fellora,

I’m glad you found a tree solution!

The 128 and 138 refer to different versions or releases of the databases. Silva updates their database I think annually. You can see their website for more details. Currently, however, the SEPP reference is study with 128 which has been widely discussed, but hasn’t quite been solved yet. (Part of me suspects we wont get there till probably 142 but who knows.)



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