November 12, 2024, 1:59pm
Hi @colinbrislawn
I have 454 data and I am also getting the same error while trying to denoise the data.
I tried using denoise-pyro but I still get the same error that the reads are few. Did you resolve the error? if yes how? please help!!!
Thanks in Advance!!
Hello @saras224 ,
Welcome to the forums! :qiime2:
I've given you your own thread so we can better keep track of your issue.
Can you share more information with us?
This post does an excellent job:
I'd like to analyse 454 sequene data downloaded from SRA.
My question is
Are the quality scores of 454 reads interpreted differently from those of other sequencing platforms?
According to the paper, the data has been filtered based on quality values, but the FASTQ file still contains reads with low quality.
How should ASVs and OTUs be classified? Additionally, which method would be the most suitable?
3)Is there a way to perform clustering while ignoring the quality score, as…
They included
full command
all errors and warnings
screenshots of results, graphs, other clues
December 13, 2024, 8:26pm
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