2024.5 metagenome distribution on docker


Based on the installation instructions for 2024.5, I should be able to pull the metagenome docker image like so:

docker pull quay.io/qiime2/metagenome:2024.5

However, I get the following error:

Error response from daemon: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

Pulling the tiny or amplicon distributions works as expected. Checking on quay.io, indeed there is no metagenome repository under qiime2. Can this be made available? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Hello Nitish,

Here are our public docker images:

Looks like there is not a metagenome one quite yet.

(I remember the setup for quay.io being manual for now, so it's possible this image is ready but has simply not been pushed.)

Thanks for confirming, Colin. Hopefully it is up soon!

Hey @nitishnih,

Thanks for reaching out about this! So I had pushed the 2024.5 metagenome instance to quay.io but each new image is set to private by default, which I didn't realize (this was the first release we'd added metagenome to, so haven't run into this before). In any case, it's been updated to public, so you should see it there now! Sorry about that!


Thank you @lizgehret

I can confirm it is working now!

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