# Filter out the samples with less than 22000 reads qiime feature-table filter-samples \ --i-table ../DADA2_denoising_output/table.qza \ --p-min-frequency 22000 \ --o-filtered-table temp0.qza # Filter samples from the group qiime feature-table filter-samples \ --i-table temp0.qza \ --m-metadata-file ../metadata.tsv \ --p-where "Group1='T_Control' OR Group1='cB_ Control'" \ --o-filtered-table temp1.qza # Filter features that only appear in a single sample qiime feature-table filter-features \ --i-table temp1.qza \ --p-min-samples 2 \ --o-filtered-table temp2.qza # Filter features based on frequency qiime feature-table filter-features \ --i-table temp2.qza \ --p-min-frequency 20 \ --o-filtered-table temp3.qza # Collapse table at genus level qiime taxa collapse \ --i-table temp3.qza \ --i-taxonomy ../classified_rep_seqs.qza \ --p-level 6 \ --o-collapsed-table feature_table_for_ANCOM_genus.qza rm temp0.qza temp1.qza temp2.qza temp3.qza # Add pseudocount qiime composition add-pseudocount \ --i-table feature_table_for_ANCOM_genus.qza \ --o-composition-table ANCOM_ready_table.qza # Run ANCOM qiime composition ancom \ --i-table ANCOM_ready_table.qza \ --m-metadata-file ../metadata.tsv \ --m-metadata-column Group1 \ --o-visualization ancom_Group1_results_genus.qzv \ --verbose