Unable to find manifest file

Hi @cab!

First, you are trying to import your fastq and manifest files: in the input-path parameter, you should include the absolute directory path to the q_trimmed_seqs folder (without enter inside the folder), that would avoid problems (you can use the cd command to enter in the folder and the pwd in the terminal to find out what is your absolute directory path). And also, the fastq files should be in a compress form as fastq.gz files.

So then, the command should be:

qiime tools import --type 'SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]'  --input-path "$PWD/qtrimmedseqs/" --input-format SingleEndFastqManifiestPhred33 --output-path "thenameyouwant.qza"

(In the output-path parameter, you can use the name you prefer :slight_smile: ).

About that, I guess you are using the Linux subsystem inside Windows... And maybe this post could help you:

I hope I have been helpful!

