Taxonomy Comparison between Two Bar Plots


I have two taxonomy bar plots. Could it be possible to compare the two bar plots contents in QIIME2?
I mean, what microbes are different in two different samples?

These samples have own .qzv/ .qza file, to be clear.

Thank You

there is no way to meaningfully compare 2 samples, though you can compare 2 groups using a differential abundance test like ANCOM — see the moving pictures tutorial for examples.


Sorry asking the simple question, but I did understand fully. The two groups should be in the same .qza file? Or can it be comparable in two .qza files?

Generally all samples of interest will be found in a single .qza file. QIIME 2 doesn’t expect to compare groups across multiple feature tables (if you do have this situation you can use feature-table merge to put your samples back together, so long as their amplicons are comparable).


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