Switching from QIIME 1 to QIIME 2 with MiSeq Data and using Deblur

Dear Antonio Pena,

That is very helpful thank you. I also wanted to run an alternative by you since I still wanted to do chimera checking on my samples before deblur analysis.

In my QIIME 1 protocol I joined my demultiplexed sequences my pair ends then ran multiple split libraries fastq on each of my runs and then combined them and performed chimera checking and filtering resulting in the seqs_chimeras_filtered.fna file. Can that file be imported into QIIME 2 somehow to continue with deblur or dada2? Something similar to this thread Importing demultiplexed sequence data from QIIME 1.9.1?

I would not be skipping any suggested quality filtering steps by doing that correct?

Sorry for all the questions, I am very new to microbiome analysis and greatly appreciate your time and help.


David Bradshaw