Silva 132 Database, which taxonomy & reference sequence files to select for classifier training? - part 2

Hi @AstroBioJack ,

That's bizarre. The SILVA database should not take up all that much space. BUT it sounds like you are maybe running this on a cluster and it is probably configured to use a temp directory that might have much more limited space. You can look into changing the temp directory, see other topics on the forum, e.g., this one for instructions:

You are using a singularity container — but is RESCRIPt installed in this container? This would explain the error that you are seeing.

The pre-trained SILVA 132 classifiers were trained using an older version of QIIME 2 (or more importantly an older version of scikit-learn), so would not be compatible with QIIME 2023.2. You would need to use an older version of QIIME 2 to run the SILVA 132 pre-trained classifiers.

Why do you need 132 specifically? You could get a SILVA 138 classifier that is compatible with QIIME 2023.2, otherwise get RESCRIPt working to build a SILVA 132 classifier.

Good luck!