Hi @BenKaehler, thank you so much for that, I will give it another try next week and let you know how it goes.
Hi @BenKaehler, thank you so much for that, I will give it another try next week and let you know how it goes.
Thanks @avtober!
We are having some minor versioning issues merging that PR.
I will let you know when that's resolved, but in the meantime the version in my fork works with qiime2-2021.2.
You can grab it by running the standard installation instructions until you get to
pip install git+https://github.com/bokulich-lab/RESCRIPt.git
at which point you should run
pip install git+https://github.com/BenKaehler/RESCRIPt.git
Hi @BenKaehler,
Thanks for that, I am currently using version 2020.11. Will I need to download the latest version or should it work on all versions?
The current version of RESCRIPt only works with 2021.2
and later.
Hi @SoilRotifer and @BenKaehler, just letting you know that I tried the updated RESCRIPt and I have no managed to download the whole LSU NCBI database (in chunks), so just have to merge them all back together now. Thank you both for all your help with this!
That's great news @avtober! Thank you for letting us know . We should have all of this incorporated into the next RESCRIPt release once QIIME 2 (2021.4) goes live.