I have completed the DADA2 processing of my sequencing data and generated a feature table. I want to perform random sampling to rarefy my samples to a depth of 10,000 reads each.
Could someone please confirm if I should use the rarefy command for this purpose?
If you are only interested in rarefying your samples to frequency n, qiime feature-table rarefy is what you are looking for.
But if you plan to perform diversity analyses within QIIME 2, maybe you find useful that core-metrics and core-metrics-phylogenetic already perform rarefaction prior to computing diversity metrics (option --p-sampling-depth). You will also obtain the rarefied table as one of the output files (--o-rarefied-table).¹
¹ Edit 09/26: The q2-boots plugin is also a (new) good option. It is in beta release. See here for more info.