Qiime2 Studio Bad Request: Alpha rarefaction curves

Hello I am trying to generate alpha rarefaction curves, which I was able to do fine last week. However now I am receiving the "Bad Request- Expecting value: line 1 column1 (char 0). I updated the software by “conda install -c conda-forge nodejs”
Thank you

Hi @lavinder, sorry to hear you're running into problems here. Can you tell me a bit more about how you have installed QIIME 2 Studio? Was it part of the official QIIME 2 Virtualbox? Or some other method?

What was the reason for running this command? Were you experiencing problems with the existing installation?

Thanks! :qiime2:

It is part of the virtualbox. I started seeing the Bad Request notification with the version I was using, thus I thought maybe updating would work.

Thanks for clarifying, @lavinder. Can you elaborate a bit on what you are doing when this problem appears? Is it when you run any command? Or is it something more specific? Where do you see this error showing up? Can you send a screenshot or two?