Thanks to you both for suggestions.
I can successfully implement adding the plugin q2_perc_norm to the qiime2/core:2018.11 docker container as described here:
However, when I attempt to follow the same steps but add itsxpress
conda install -c bioconda itsxpress
pip install q2-itsxpress
itsxpress installs w/o error, but when I run:
docker run --rm -it
-u (id -u):(id -g)
-v $(pwd):/data
qiime itsxpress
I get the error:
(base) charleshauser@~/qiime2_docker => ./runit_qiime_itsx_docker
Usage: qiime [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try "qiime --help" for help.
Error: No such command "itsxpress".
I did run 'qiime dev refresh-cache' after installing itsxpress.
This is my first foray into docker containers, so I suspect it is something on my end.
However, I'm not sure why I can get perc_norm to run, but not itsxpress