Qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn


I have used qiime2 processed several batches of data. Everything seems fine, but now I got this error. May I know how to do with this error. Thanks.

qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn --i-classifier gg-13-8-99-515-806-nb-classifier.qza --i-reads rep-seqs.qza --o-classification taxonomy.qza
Plugin error from feature-classifier:

The scikit-learn version (0.18.1) used to generate this artifact does not match the current version of scikit-learn installed (0.19.0). Please retrain your classifier for your current deployment to prevent data-corruption errors.

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-zjpo371k.log

Problem has been solved by myself. Thanks.

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Hi @Lu_Yang, would you mind posting how you solved your issue? That way other QIIME 2 users who stumble onto this post will know! I suspect you just downloaded the latest classifiers, but either way, let us know!

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Hi, @thermokarst,

Thanks for your concerns. Actually, I did not download the latest classifiers. I tried 5 five times for the same code, these codes are copied from my former run history. All got the same error.

But when I type in the code by myself again, the 6th time. It works. Honest to say I do not know the actual reason. Just the closest guess, maybe it is the format problem. Because I tried to paste that code in the Mac Notes, it told me that is the table format. So I directly type it by myself on the terminal directly, it works well. :smile:

Thanks so much.

Hi, @Lu_Yang
I have met the same problem, and I try to type the code by myself, but it does not work!
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn --i-classifier gg-13-8-99-515-806-nb-classifier.qza --i-reads rep-seqs_dada2.qza --o-classification sklearn_taxonomy_dada2.qza
Plugin error from feature-classifier:

The scikit-learn version (0.19.0) used to generate this artifact does not match the current version of scikit-learn installed (0.19.1). Please retrain your classifier for your current deployment to prevent data-corruption errors.

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-dlq7_et4.log


Hi, Jingsi,

I solved this problem by just retype the code or recopy the code from the QIIME2 tutorial, not from my historical code which is in the table format. Then it worked well.
Hope this helps.


@Jingsi_Tang. Sorry for forgot @ you.

Hey @Jingsi_Tang,

I think you might have run into our URL mistake from earlier. It’s fixed now, so if you follow @Lu_Yang’s idea (i.e. downloading the classifier again and re-running) it should work.

Sorry about that mixup!

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