QIIME 2018.2.0 qza file is not compatible with 2017.9.0


I went through all the pipeline using Qiime 2 2018.2.0 and due to insuffiicient memory I am trying to assign taxonomy using silva in a server based on Qiime-2-Jupyter-notebook v2017.9.0 . I get the error:

“ValueError: rep-seqs.qza was created by ‘QIIME 2018.2.0’. The currently installed framework cannot interpret archive version ‘3’.”

Can I make my rep-seqs file in the format of the older 2017.9.0 version?


Hi @Oscar!

I would recommend upgrading the version on the jupyter server if at all posible.

If it isn’t possible, then you should be able to export the artifact (or unzip it) and then re-import the data on the jupyter server. This has the disadvantage of destroying all of your provenance, so I would really recommend just upgrading if you can.

Thank you Evan for your help. Unfortunately upgrading is not possible. If I can run the taxonomy assignment and then run the taxa biplot command and look for interesting results, then I could justify upgrading. I will try exporting and see go it goes.

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