QIIME 2 2022.11 is now available!

The QIIME 2 2022.11 release is now available! Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work! :raised_hands:t3: :tada:

As a reminder, our next planned QIIME 2 release is scheduled for February 2023 (QIIME 2 2023.2), but please stay tuned for updates. :spiral_calendar:

Check out the QIIME 2 2022.11 docs for details on installing the latest QIIME 2 release, as well as tutorials and other resources. Get in touch on the QIIME 2 Forum if you run into any issues!

Docker images are built and ready for use! :partying_face:

Exciting Announcements!


@lizgehret added a new method in q2-composition that wraps the ANCOM-BC functionality from the 3-16 release of Frederick Huang Lin's R package. Some of @mortonjt's ideas from his q2-ancombc plugin were used, along with some additional guards, and the outputs have been packaged slightly differently. The contents of this update include:

  • New method qiime composition ancombc that produces an artifact containing the following:

    lfc (log fold change)
    w scores
    std err
  • Unit test suite and usage examples for ancombc method

  • Visualizer for the above output artifact. This visualizer provides tab separated views for each dataframe containing the log-fold change (lfc), standard error (se), P and Q values, and W scores.

    NOTE: We discovered a bug in the tabulate visualizer, and a fix was pushed up for this on Jan. 12th. Everything should now be working as expected, thanks for your patience! :pray:t3:

Artifact Cache

The Artifact Cache was added in the background in the last release, now it is accessible via q2cli. The Artifact Cache is a directory structure that stores QIIME 2 Results in an unzipped form on disk in a consistent way controlled by QIIME 2. This is particularly useful for large reference databases and shotgun sequencing where the data is very large, and it is easier to use up more storage space than to be constantly taking the CPU time to zip and unzip it to and from a .qza.

Since the release of QIIME 2 2022.8, all QIIME 2 actions have been interacting with a cache created automatically in the temp directory. It is now possible to create and use custom caches in user-defined locations on the command line interface. The following tools have been added to support this (more details on their usage in the cli help text).

  • qiime tools cache-create creates a cache at the given path (must be a new path).
  • qiime tools cache-remove removes the given key and data if this was the only key to that data from the given cache.
  • qiime tools cache-garbage-collection runs garbage collection on the given cache.
  • qiime tools cache-store stores a given artifact to the given cache under a given key.
  • qiime tools cache-fetch fetches the artifact with the given key from the given cache into an artifact at the given output path.
  • qiime tools cache-status lists the contents of the given cache.

The cache uses user-defined keys to reference the data stored in it. Currently, these keys must be valid Python identifiers. To use a cache on the command line interface, first, create a cache at a given location using the new qiime tools create-cache command. Then you may use artifacts in the cache as inputs (or save outputs to the cache) using the cache_path:key syntax.

For example, the following commands will create a cache at ~/Documents/cache, save the artifact at ~/Documents/art.qza into the cache under the key in creating an unzipped copy of the artifact in the cache, then use that artifact as an input to an action and save the output of the action into the cache under the key out before saving that output into an artifact at ~/Documents/out.qza note that you can just as easily use ~/Documents/cache:out as an input to another command. The data saved into the cache under the keys in and out will remain in the cache accessible via those keys until removed via the qiime tools cache-remove command.

Creating a cache:

qiime tools cache-create --cache ~/Documents/cache

Placing a qza into the cache:

qiime tools cache-store \
  --cache ~/Documents/cache \
  --artifact-path ~/Documents/art.qza \
  --key in

An example action using the cache for input and/or output:

qiime some-plugin some-action \
  --i-input ~/Documents/cache:in \
  --o-output ~/Documents/cache:out

Converting a cached artifact into a qza:

qiime tools cache-fetch \
  --cache ~/Documents/cache \
  --key out \
  --output-path ~/Documents/out.qza

:exclamation: BREAKING CHANGES :exclamation:

  • q2-vsearch

  • q2studio has been fully deprecated, and will no longer be included in our core or community distribution installations :no_entry_sign: Check out our tools :hammer_and_wrench: within the Galaxy Toolshed for a fully-functioning graphical user interface! :tv:

Here are the highlights of the release:

  • QIIME 2 Framework

    • @lizgehret bumped the core and community distributions up to the latest version of R, so all plugins within these distributions are now compatible with :registered: 4.2.0 :chart_with_upwards_trend:
    • @cherman2 fixed a :lady_beetle: that unintentionally removed the Jupyter Notebook :notebook_with_decorative_cover: extension from the list of installed packages for our core and community distributions :astonished: This extension will now be included with any installation of QIIME 2 for 2022.11 and beyond! :milky_way:
    • @emollier fixed a :cockroach: when running our test suite on 32-bit CPU architectures. On 64-bits CPUs, the pandas.dtype returned for integers is a plain int 64 bits wide. However, on 32 bits machines, the type is returned as int64 to differenciate from plain int. This :bug: fix now allows for either int or int64 as an allowed type within our test suite.
    • @Oddant1 Fixed cross-device link errors when attempting to symlink across devices by copying instead :link:
    • @gregcaporaso added the ability to add descriptions and examples to "artifact classes" (a new term being used to describe semantic types with associated directory formats, i.e., semantic types that can be associated with QIIME 2 artifacts) :gem:
      • Descriptions and examples are added on definition of an artifact class with Plugin.register_artifact_class. Plugin.register_artifact_class is a replacement for Plugin.register_semantic_type_to_format (the latter is still available for backward compatibility, but the former should be used preferentially).
      • Descriptions and examples of artifact classes can be accessed via PluginManager.artifact_classes or Plugin.artifact_classes.
    • @gregcaporaso added helpers for use in defining usage examples to obtain an artifact or metadata from a URL :computer: :nerd_face: These can be accessed with Usage.init_artifact_from_url and Usage.init_metadata_from_url, respectively.
    • @Keegan-Evans added the ability to make files and file collections optional in directory formats :file_cabinet:
    • @ebolyen made it so metadata column type is now informed by Metadata.load's default_missing_scheme :lobster:
    • @gregcaporaso added better functionality for examining/finding formats on a PluginManager :mag::receipt:
  • q2cli

    • colinvwood added the ability to provide multiple files to be examined to qiime tools peek.
    • colinvwood added a --tsv parameter that can be added to calls to qiime tools peek that outputs the results as a TSV file.
  • q2-cutadapt

    • IGK-NZ added the ability to perform quality base trimming.
    • @Keegan-Evans added usage examples for demux-single and demux-paired.
  • q2-dada2

    • @lizgehret added an R traceback for any errors that arise within the DADA2 R package for easier debugging :beetle: :mag:
    • @Oddant1 made it so barcodes and IDs won't get mixed up while sorting :no_good_woman:t3:
    • @lizgehret added usage examples for denoise-single and denoise-paired :sound:
  • q2-deblur

    • @ChrisKeefe added usage examples for denoise-16s and visualize-stats :eye:
  • q2-demux

    • @cherman2 added usage examples for emp-single and summarize :dumpling:
  • q2-diversity

    • @lizgehret added an R traceback for any errors that arise using the adonis method from within the Vegan R package for easier debugging :mag_right: :bug:
    • @lizgehret added usage examples for alpha-group-significance and alpha-correlation :abc:
  • q2-emperor

    • @cherman2 added usage examples for plot and procrustes-plot :crown:
  • q2-feature-table

    • @gregcaporaso and @Oddant1 added usage examples for merge, merge-taxa, merge-seqs, filter-samples, filter-features, and filter-features-conditionally :globe_with_meridians:
    • @ebolyen made it so summarize can handle NaN values :1234:
    • @wasade fixed a bug where rarefying with replacement was incorrectly keeping values below the set rarefaction depth :axe::key:
    • @lizgehret added usage examples for summarize and tabulate-seqs
  • q2-fragment-insertion

    • @Stefan helped speed up this plugin, always a welcome addition :dizzy:, by adding explicit file format selection instead of sniffing for it, in accordance with this issue in scikit-bio.
  • q2-metadata

  • q2-phylogeny

    • @lizgehret added a usage example for align-to-tree- mafft-fasttree :evergreen_tree:
  • q2-quality-filter

  • q2-stats

    • @cherman2 made the error message raised when N=0 in wilcoxon more informative and added an ignore_empty_comparator parameter that fills invalid comparisons with NaN in the stats table if used :jar:
  • q2-taxa

    • @ChrisKeefe added usage examples for collapse and barplot :bar_chart:
  • q2-types

    • @misialq added ProteinFASTAFormat validation for sequences which contain asterisks *. While usually not present in sequences fetched from NCBI, the asterisk is often added during in silico translation :page_with_curl:
    • @gregcaporaso added support for importing multiplexed fasta/qual files to support analysis of legacy 454 sequencing data :crossed_swords:
    • @gregcaporaso added descriptions and examples for common artifact classes using new functionality added in the QIIME 2 Framework :books:
    • @SoilRotifer: added support for importing and converting lower-case & mixed-case nucleotide sequences into standard upper-case IUPAC form via the new formats: MixedCaseDNAFASTAFormat, MixedCaseAlignedDNAFASTAFormat, MixedCaseRNAFASTAFormat, and MixedCaseAlignedRNAFASTAFormat . :arrow_double_up: Add to address: Should DNAIterator support lowercase fasta sequences? · Issue #91 · qiime2/q2-types · GitHub
  • q2-vsearch

    • @colinbrislawn added --min_seq_length and --min_unique_size parameters to vsearch dereplicate-sequences to discard short or uncommon sequences from the dereplication output :dna: :microbe:
  • User Docs

    • @lizgehret & @thermokarst added documentation for installing QIIME 2 via conda on Apple Silicon devices :green_apple:
    • @thermokarst updated the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installation instructions to provide more context on when to use those instructions :rat:
  • Virtual Machines

    • @nickodell made some improvements that should reduce the size of our docker builds by ~60%:flying_saucer::arrow_double_down:

Dear all,

May thanks for your work with QIIME2.

I would like to ask why q2studio has been removed? I usually run my scripts locally in Jupyter for initial data exploration and I use the qiime2 module to get in-line visualizations. However, in this release, I cannot do it anymore. Is there an alternative way to do this? Thank you!

Hi @jbbq,

q2studio was not a fully built-out graphical user interface that was no longer actively maintained by our core development team. Now that QIIME 2 is available on the Galaxy Toolshed, we have removed it and recommend using Galaxy as your graphical user interface of choice. Details on how to use this can be found here, for your reference.

Cheers :lizard:



Maybe I mis-understood, but were you using q2studio or the Python interface(AKA the Artifact API) inside of your Jupyter notebooks? If the later, Jupyter is not installed as a QIIME 2 dependency at this point(we are trying to move all dependencies to conda), but you should be able to install it by running pip install notebook inside of your environment :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for your response. I will try this.

Thanks for this response.

I think wasn't so clear. Sorry for that.

In previous versions of QIIME2 (i.e., 2021.11), I can still import qiime2 (import qiime2 as q2) to make in-line visualizations in Jupyter and extract data from .qza artifacts as panda data frames. However, now that I am using 2022.8, a prompt pops stating that the qiime2 module is not available. Am I missing something?

Thanks again for your response! :slight_smile:

I rushed yesterday when replying to you and gave you at least partially bad information :grimacing:

The removal of the extension that enabled use in notebooks was unintentional, but should be restored and usable in 2022.11 :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you know if there is a way to install the Jupyter notebook extension individually in older versions of QIIME2? For example 2021.11 so that PICRUSt2 plugin can be used in Jupyter?

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Hi @Lauren_Anderson,

I'm not sure when we added Jupyter notebook as an extension, but we've had it available since at least our 2019 releases, so you should be good to use it with 2021.11 for PICRUSt2 :slightly_smiling_face:

Cheers :lizard:


I'm facing the problem with no more memory in tmp dir. i have qiime 2023.2 version. is it still the same to free the cache?
if yes, on which part do i need to create and then convert the cache to qza?

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An off-topic reply has been split into a new topic: Exporting temp Dir

Please keep replies on-topic in the future.