Q2-itsxpress param help

Hello @Adam_Rivers !

I created a topic in the forum last week (Rarefying when having multiple runs - #16 by llenzi ) and they have recommended me to use your ITSxpress plugin.

I have had a glance at one of the first posts about the plugin (Q2-ITSxpress: A tutorial on a QIIME 2 plugin to trim ITS sequences) and I have a doubt before I use it.

The people that made the amplification of the samples decided to combine both ITS1 and ITS2 regions, so, how can I specified this in the --p-region parameter of the following command?

qiime itsxpress trim-pair-output-unmerged\
  --i-per-sample-sequences sequences.qza \
  --p-region ITS1 \
  --p-taxa F \
  --p-cluster-id 1.0 \
  --p-threads 2 \
  --o-trimmed trimmed_exact.qza

Thank you so much in advanced :slight_smile: